职责概述 Job summary 主要工作职责 Main responsibility 制订信息化规划:根据学校整体战略发展,制订IT战略规划、团队建设和业务计划,推动学校信息化建设,主持分析信息化需求,制定信息化建设行动计划和时间表。· Making of informative planning, Making IT strategy planning, team building and business planning based on the integral development of the institute. Hosting information construction requirement collection and making execution timetable.负责建章立制,拟定信息系统相关管理制度和运作流程制定IT系统各环节的管理制度。· To be responsible for regulations setting, draft management of rules regarding to all types of the IT procedurals.新信息项目管理:主导重大项目的立项与实施,包括IT项目的调研、立项、选型、实施、运维、升级等管理工作。负责对信息化建设过程中所有项目的技术调研、评审、谈判及相关学校技术接口工作。· Project management of new information, taking charge of all phases of the important project, including project initiating, prototype ****ion, implementation, maintenance and upgrading. Taking the responsibility of technique research, judgment, negotiating and business handing-over tasks during all the project of information construction.信息系统优化:负责根据学校业务发展和管理需求,对学校现有或需要实施的信息化系统进行评估、整合,制定相应的方案,并负责组织实施IT系统的开发、完善和维护工作。· Optimizing the information system, to be responsible for information system assessment, integration, scheme formulation based on business development and manage requirement. Providing IT system development, improvement and maintenance. 信息安全管理监督:负责学校的整体信息安全性,编制和完善学校数据标准及信息保密制度,制定信息系统安全及灾难恢复的政策和程序,并监督学校及分学校的IT系统设备、网络设备的保护保养。负责组织处理突发信息安全事件。· Information security management, to be responsible for the integral information security, making and improving the standards of institute data-security, classification regulation, and disaster recovery policy, as well as handling with the urgent information security events. 本部门的人才吸引和团队培养:负责信息中心的日常工作和部门建设;合理分配任务,决定人员分工;对直接下属进行工作指导、协调和考核评价;负责信息技术团队建设和管理,持续提升团队工作、质量和效率。协调部门内外部信息的及时的沟通,有效沟通业务、职能部门,提供IT技术服务支持。· Manage individuals and team development, routines and construction of information technology Be responsible for team member job arrangement, training and assessment, to assist improving work quality and efficiency. Ability to communicate effectively with other department. Providing IT professional technical support.配合学校各部门做好IT支持的各项工作。· Providing cooperation to other department.其他根据学校发展需要履行的职责。 · Other required duties. 任职资格 Competency and capability本科以上学历,具有良好的教育背景,企业管理、计算机或通信等相关专业。 · Bachelor or above, prefer enterprise or academic management ****, or major in computer science or tele-communication. 八年上以上工作经验;熟悉大型企业内部信息系统的架构、运作和管理。 · Minimum of 8 years working experience, good understanding of the internal IT architecture and maintenance of large enterprise. 精于构建和培养团队,具备良好的团队领导能力,具有全面协调各项工作的能力和沟通能力。· Excellent leadership and teamwork development, With good communications and interpersonal skills.责任心强,有很强的开拓精神、良好的敬业精神和职业道德操守。· Strong sense of responsibility and pioneering, good professionalism and professional ethics.英语精通,可以在双语环境中工作。· Fluency in Chinese and English.
苏州国际外语学校(简称“苏国外”)创办于1995年, 是苏州市第一所全日制、寄宿制民办学校,隶属于苏州良士集团(简称“集团”)。 苏国外坐落在美丽的苏州阳澄湖畔,学校始终坚持以“育一流人才、办一流学校、做一流贡献”为使命,以“卓尔不群、光而不耀”为校训,实施全面素质教育,尊重学生个性,重视学生兴趣特长培训;重视英语和科技创新教育;重视学生创造力、领导力培养,致力于将学生培养成为既有本土情怀,又有国际视野的未来人才。