Hardware Reliability Engineering team is looking for you to work with our diverse hardware engineering teams. As the Reliability team, we are responsible for ensuring and improving the durability and reliability of product. To achieve that, we partner with multiple engineering teams from the beginning (concept) to the end (field returns) of a product lifecycle, while exploring new technologies and understanding how customers will use our products.If you have a passion for constant learning and innovative engineering products, you will fit right in.Responsibilities include:• Bringing up and monitoring the Reliability Labs at our contract manufacturers• Develop and implement creative reliability tests on new hardware programs, quantify reliability risk, support failure analysis resulting from these tests, and advise the executive team on the best path forward.• Interfacing with cross-functional partners to ensure a seamless test and failure analysis process• Preparing concise and detailed test plans and analyzing test reports• Statistically analyzing data to provide design risk assessments• Researching new technologies to understand unique failure mechanisms• Guiding design and interacting with diverse groups to improve product reliability Key Qualifications• Excellent written, visual, and verbal communication skills• Strong attention to detail and curiosity of how technologies work• Capable of handling multiple projects at once• Dynamic engineer with a “can do” attitude with the aim to work in a top notch team and product• Experience performing reliability testing including Mechanical Stress Tests, Shock/****/Vibration Testing, Environmental Testing• Statistical experience such as Weibull, JMP, or familiarity with accelerated test models• Familiar with Failure Analysis techniques (Optical Microscopy, X-ray/CT, Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, etc.), and the ability to use failure analysis methodology to derive a root cause of failure• Understanding of Design of Experiments• Imaginative approach to Failure Modes and Effects Analysis• Confident with navigating ambiguity and creating new ways of doing things.Education and Experience • Engineering degree and 3+ years of experience in a related field or industry required• Consumer electronics experience is preferred
>>深圳市添之慧工程技术有限公司,是由深圳市智立方自动化设备股份有限公司100%控股的一家工程服务子公司。总部位于广东省深圳市宝安区石岩宏发科技园,靠近深圳宝安国际机场,环境优美,交通便利。>>深圳市智立方自动化设备股份有限公司属于高端装备制造行业,是一家专注于工业自动化设备的研发、生产、销售及相关技术服务的高新技术企业,为下游客户智能制造系统、精益和自动化生产体系提供定制化专业解决方案。公司核心业务为自动化测试设备及自动化组装设备业务,产品包括工业自动化设备、自动化设备配件及相关技术服务,主要应用于光学、电学、力学等功能测试环节,以及消费电子、电子烟、工业电子、汽车电子、半导体等领域产品的组装环节,帮助客户实现生产线的半自动化和全自动化,提高生产效率和产品良品率。经过近10年的发展,公司围绕精度、速度、稳定性三项工业自动化设备性能的关键指标,先后开发出光学成像球面分布属性测试技术、光学感应灵敏度标定测试技术、光学测量与校准技术、成像模组自动调焦技术、高稳定性成像模组定位技术、振动模拟仿真控制技术、精密滑台及相关机构组件技术等多项核心技术,形成技术优势及产品先发优势,系行业内较早的一批追踪下游客户高端光学测试设备需求的企业,并在特定光学测试领域成为下游核心客户的重要合作伙伴。公司技术研发和创新能力突出,2013年被评定为“双软企业”,并自2014年起持续被认定为高新技术企业。截至2021.06.30,公司及子公司拥有专利65项,软件著作权46项,软件产品证书6项;公司拥有研发及技术人员203人,占公司员工总数的比例为36.31%,凭借雄厚的技术实力与研发力量,公司先后被广东省科学技术厅、广东省知识产权保护协会认定为“广东省微电子精密封装及测试工程技术研究中心”、“2020年度广东省知识产权示范企业”;2021年,公司获国家知识产权局颁发的 “中国专利优秀奖”。针对自动化设备行业高度定制化特点,公司深耕于各自动化应用领域工艺的探索,始终贯彻IPD设计思路,坚持自主研发制造工艺、分析材料特性、追踪行业先进制造技术,并积极借鉴、吸收和研究行业先进的制造理念,通过定制化的ERP及信息化管理系统,不断优化提升加工、装配工艺,提高加工效率,为客户提供高精密高品质产品。经过持续的技术研发,公司于2019年取得了航空航天质量管理体系AS9100D认证。公司深耕行业多年,凭借优质的产品质量、高效的生产能力、良好的研发实力及优质的售后服务,与中下游相关行业的多家国际知名企业保持长期稳定的合作。公司愿景:成为行业先进的智能制造赋能专家;公司使命:以智能制造共创美好生活;公司价值观:诚信,创价值(Integrity)变革,促创新(Innovation)融合,同分享( Integration)