Responsibility:岗位职责:Being flexible with the best teaching practices and demonstrating a willingness to work collaboratively能够灵活运用好的教学模式,拥有良好的合作意识Effectively teaching a variety of classes, which would include the subject(s) concerned and IB disciplines like Theory of Knowledge能够高效的教授各类课程,包括相关的学科和IB科目,例如知识理论Being adept in appropriate lesson preparation, setting/marking examination and test papers where necessary and supervising extended essays in the subject concerned擅长编写合理的教学计划,设计并批改试卷,对相关科目的扩展性论文进行指导Setting and marking students’ work accurately and ****ly, giving additional guidance and work according to their needs准备并及时地设计和批改学生的作业,根据学生的需求给与额外的指导Providing feedback appropriately and regularly to students定期向学生提供合适的反馈Writing reports and testimonials as required within the deadlines set在规定的时间内按要求撰写报告和推荐信Diligently following the scheme of work for each class approved by the Head of Department认真执行各部门主管批复的各班工作计划Ensuring he/she is fully aware of all of the School’s policies relating to students and act accordingly to protect and enhance the physical and emotional welfare of the students确保能够完全理解和学生有关的各项学校政策,并采取相应行动来保护和提高学生的身心健康As the role of homeroom teacher to manage the student and maintain a good home-school relationship作为班主任的角色管理班级,并维护良好的家校关系Adhering to all other policies and procedures of the School as approved by the Board or the Head遵守董事会或校长批准的学校所有的政策和程序Performing other reasonable duties as instructed by school, including but not limited to lessonplanning, preparation and assessment, meetings, night study supervision, students’ admissionactivities, students’ filed trip, subject fair and other routine events.参加学校布置的合理任务,包括但不限于备课评课,会议,看夜自修,招生活动,实地考察,学科展等常规活动Taking part in whole school event参加全校性的活动Qualification任职要求Master degree or above, with relevant professional **** and teaching certificate硕士及以上学历,拥有相应的专业背景和教学资质3-5 years teaching experience in an international school, experience in a boarding school or head teacher is preferred 拥有3-5年国际学校的教学经历,有寄宿制学校教学经验或班主任经验优先, Good communication skills in English能够熟练使用英语交流Experience in IB teaching and experience in overseas study is preferred有IB教学经验和海外教学经验者优先考虑Love education career, good learning ability, self - drive ability and teamwork ability热爱教育行业,有优秀的学习能力,自驱力和团队协作力