1.根据学校的教学安排,具体负责本学科本年级学生的教学工作,不断提高教学服务质量;The teacher should follow the school’s teaching schedule and be responsible for the teaching of the subject in the grade, ameliorating the quality of teaching.2.根据学生的实际情况,制定适宜的教学方案,并进行学习方法指导、学习习惯的培养;The teacher should formulate suitable teaching plans, give guidance of learning methods and cultivate good learning habits for students.3.与学生、家长保持良好的沟通,对学生进行教学引导和心理疏导工作The teacher should conduct teaching guidance and psychological counselling to students. The teacher should maintain effective communication with students and parents.4.积极参加教研活动,配合和完成上级布置的教研任务。The teacher should participate teaching and learning research activities to coordinate the tasks assigned by the superior.任职要求:1.Devote to education, love children, good at communication with parents and students热爱教育,热爱孩子,善于与家长和学生沟通;2. Professional skills and rich experience in teaching有扎实的专业技能和丰富的教学经验;3.Bachelor's degree in English or above, lower secondary teacher qualification certificate, putonghua level 2 A or above英语专业本科及以上学历,具备初中及以上教师资格证,普通话二级甲等或以上;4.Homeroom teacher experience, command the IB teaching system and igcse courses are preferred有班主任工作经验,了解ib教学体系、igcse课程均优先考虑。福利待遇:1.五险一金;2.享受周末双休,及其国家法定假期;3.节日的福利津贴,子女入学学费优惠政策;4.国际化的办公氛围,优美的校园环境;5.拥有公平的晋升机会;6.享受带薪寒暑假、圣诞假。该岗位是英语老师,与外教配合教学,要求英语能作为日常工作语言。工作地址:长沙县北斗路58号长沙县玮思学校(双语部)