Job Responsibilities岗位职责1.负责大学日常新闻的采访及文案撰写、排版与发布;Responsible for conducting interviews and writing copy, formatting, and publishing daily university news.2.负责大学全媒体渠道的中英文新闻撰写,并根据不同平台调性更新相关讯息;Responsible for writing Chinese and English news for the university's multimedia channels, and updating relevant information according to the tone of different platforms.3.负责大学宣传品(宣传手册、宣传片)的文案撰写,协助规划;Responsible for writing copy for university promotional materials (brochures, videos) and assisting in planning.4.协助大学设计、视频的创意策划、沟通与对接执行;Assist in university design, creative planning of videos, communication and coordination execution.5.协助大学品牌纪念品的采购、报销与管理; Assist in the procurement, reimbursement, and management of university branded souvenirs.6.协助大学的会议和论坛、媒体关系接待等工作;Assist with university conferences and forums, media relations reception, and other related tasks.7.完成领导交办的其他工作。Complete other tasks assigned by the leader.Requirements任职要求1.学历要求:硕士研究生(优秀者可放宽至本科)Educational requirement: Master's degree (excellent candidates can relax to undergraduate degree)2.工作年限要求:3年Work experience requirement: 3 years3.语言要求:良好的中英文表达能力Language requirement: Good communication skills in both Chinese and English4.工作技能:a, 优秀的文字撰写能力、表达逻辑能力,文笔流畅,符合大学品牌调性b,熟练使用微信公众号等排版编辑器;c,熟练使用如PS、PR、剪映等设计与视频剪辑软件;d,日常新闻(会务、活动、风景)的照片拍摄技能。Job skills:a, Excellent writing and logical **** skills, fluent writing ****, in line with the brand tone of the universityb, Proficient in using WeChat official account and other typesetting editorsc, Proficient in using design and video editing software such as PS, PR, and Jianyingd, Photography skills for daily news (conferences, events, landscapes).此岗位需要英文面试+笔试