Department: Student LifeReports to: You will be directly responsible to the Housemaster of your dorm. You will work within the ****work set by the Dean of Student Life under the direction of the High School Principal.About YHS Boarding Program:YHS offers a five-day boarding program to high school students from 10th-12th grade. All high school students participate in the boarding program and live in the boarding house on campus, consisting of a boys and girls dorm. Our boarding program is purpose-built as part of our whole-school curriculum, focusing on life skills ****ed to competency-based learning that build independence, character, and citizenship. Ensuring the safety and well-being of our students is at the heart of boarding and we pride ourselves on our commitment to build great relationships between our students, parents, and faculty.Job Summary:You will be a supervising adult presence in the boarding house that is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of our high school boarding students and assist them in their daily lives, living on campus five nights in a typical week (Sunday-Thursday) and being on duty with a rotating team of RAs and your housemaster. Weekday hours when on duty are evenings and mornings.Accommodation:A one-bedroom studio apartment on each hallway in the boarding house is provided as accommodation on campus for duty nights during the week. RAs are expected to **** in this apartment during the week from Sunday through Thursday.Duties and Responsibilities:As a member of the boarding program, you should carry out your role to support the needs of the students you work with and YHS in general. •Ensure students are out of dorms on time in the morning for breakfast with rooms cleaned for daily inspection•Monitor the students’ well-being and behaviour and report any problems in the dorm to your Housemaster •Supervise students during study hall as scheduled either in the boarding house or academic building•Report student illness ****ly to the health center. If emergency attention is required, call the school doctor or an ambulance as needed•Ensure the smooth running of the dorm generally in accordance to the student handbook to maintain a friendly, welcoming and happy environment •Set expectations for students to maintain general cleanliness, tidiness, and hygiene within the dorm•Liaise with dorm assistants to report any maintenance issues, check daily inspections, and communicate feedback about student performance•Issue keys/cards and supervise proper use of e-devices in accordance with the whole-school e-device policy and student handbook.•Ensure a visible presence in and around the premises of the boarding house at all times when on duty •Ensure curfew times are kept reporting issues of lateness•Help with student arrivals, student induction and departures when required•Attend boarding orientation, training, and regular staff meetings •Arrange regular meetings with the students including hallway and dorm meetings•Promote student leadership by developing student prefects and other student leaders•Communicate with parents as needed to support needs regarding individual student performance•Liaise with Housemasters, Faculty, and school leadership as requested. As part of your wider role within YHS, you will also: •Support Yungu School’s mission and vision•Follow the guidelines of the staff handbook•Continue professional development as agreed •Engage actively in the performance review process •Comply with any reasonable request from the Dean of Students or Principal to undertake work not specified in this job de****ion •To be courteous to colleagues and parents and to provide a welcoming environment for all visitors to the school. You will be expected to maintain standards of ethics and behaviour. In particular, you will: •Treat students with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual respect •Have regard for the need to safeguard students’ well-being •Show tolerance of and respect for the rights of others •Maintain high standards of attendance and punctuality •Help to create and maintain a safe working environment for everyone •Understand and act within the guidelines of the faculty handbook •Develop and maintain a full understanding of current child protection procedures. Personal specifications:The job requires that you have:•Bachelor’s degree required•At least 1 year of RA related working experience•Ability to work with, care for and supervise young people•High levels of energy, an even temper and a sense of humour•Confidence in spoken English•Confidence to confront students who are not adhering to the rules and uphold accountability•Ability to relate to young people•Ability and willingness to work in a multi-cultural environment•Willingness to work unsociable hours•Ability to work as a team member and lead by example•Ability to be proactive, flexible and reliable•Teaching experience in any subjects
云谷学校是阿里合伙人投资创办的民办学校,是一所耕耘本土、放眼世界的中国学校。其发起初衷是为教育创新做一点尝试。云谷学校已于2021年搬迁至全新校区——位于西湖区三墩镇“云谷板块”。 随着城西科创大走廊——“硅谷梦想地”的规划落定,这块正被开发的宝地将成为全国云计算和大数据产业中心,杭州智慧城市新引擎。云谷大校区计划总投资10亿元以上,建设用地面积220亩,涵盖幼儿园、小学、初中、高中学段,满足3000人同时就学。在云谷,我们期望孩子们拥有宝贵的“云谷”品格:既有凌“云”之志,又能虚怀若“谷”,成为具有仁爱精神、独立意志、社会担当、终身学习力和幸福感的地球公民。