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College Counselor




南京市 | 本科 | 1年以下

招聘人数:1 人

Roles and Responsibilities - Teaching and Learning•To design and implement effectively a proactive school counseling program that meets the developmental, emotional, social, and academic requirements of the student body in line with the mission and ****ives of HTNIA•To assess, track, and ****uate levels of progress and provide feedback to ensure that each child has the opportunity to reach their goals•To always set high expectations, which motivate, challenge and encourage children•To identify and meet children’s varying needs•To ensure outstanding pastoral care and that all safeguarding policies are followed•To help facilitate admissions, testing, placement and transitions for students and their families.•To assist with the school schedules and placing students in appropriate classes.•To help with the administration of school standardized testing and provide feedback and summary to students, teachers, administrators, and parents when appropriate.•To become actively involved with students through classroom visitations, participation in student activities, and being visible during student recess, etc.•To help students develop life skills to enhance personal, social, and academic growth•To use interviews, counseling sessions, test results, or other tools to assist in the ****uation and advising of students•To help students understand themselves so that they can develop realistic academic goals and career options•To provide advice to parents about effective family communication skills and parenting•To maintain a database of community service resources for addressing student counseling requirements•To provide training to faculty to review, understand and formulate strategies to address the needs of every child at each developmental stage•To provide college placement and career planning for secondary students and facilitate related testing•To maintain student records on progress, achievements, activities, interests and acceptance at institutions of higher learning•To perform other duties as requested by supervisorsRoles and Responsibilities - Communication and Cooperation•To work cooperatively and supportively with all colleagues•To develop supportive and productive relationships with students, staff and families by ensuring confidentiality in all personal matters•To participate in departmental, school based, and parental meetings•To maintain and keep relevant data on children and report on their activity •To participate in supervisory duties shared by colleagues•To participate in the co-curricular life of the school•To support the school’s image and profile Requirements:Qualifications•Quality degree from an established university•PGCE/QTS or equivalentKnowledge and Experience•2 or more years of full time, school based counseling experience •Excellent working knowledge of a school counseling ****work•Proficient counsellor with a relevant specialism•Experience of working with children who have English as an additional languagePersonal Qualities•Ability to inspire children with a love of learning•Ability to develop and challenge all children so that each child can achieve their best •Ability to understand the needs, challenges and opportunities of working within an international school community•Willingness to contribute at all aspects of school life•Strong interpersonal and team-working skills•Good administrative, organisational and communication skills•Positive team-p**** with a can-do attitude and sense of humour

学历要求:本科 工作经验:1年以下
年龄要求:不限 性别要求:不限
公司性质:其它 公司规模:100-499人

南京赫贤双语学校未来学校应该长什么样?我们邀您一起见证!我们是谁? 我们是一个使命驱动的组织,如果你对我们的使命有共鸣,那这将是一次命中注定的相遇。 南京赫贤学校的使命宣言:作为打破教育边界的开拓者,南京赫贤志在成为全人教育的摇篮,培育植根中国、拥抱世界的终身学习者和建设者。南京赫贤将:· 打造体验式、探究式的融合性双语课程· 营造合作包容的文化氛围,激发每一个人的内驱力和使命感 · 创建充分连接本土与世界的学习资源中心在南京赫贤,我们相信除了老师,我们的每一位员工也同样可以影响教育的改变。 无边界到底意味着什么? · 在组织内部,意味着我们想打破部门墙,打造一个透明公开的环境,让不同背景的创意精英一起碰撞出创新的火花· 在组织外部,我们希望将学校打造成一个平台、社区的资源中心,与各位志同道合的教育人一起交流心得,相互学习,相互促进,共同发展 我们是如何工作的? · 在这里,战略不是老板拍脑袋想出来的,而是大家一起自下而上讨论出来的;只要你对战略有想法、有意愿,无论你的背景如何,我们都鼓励你加入其中,和团队一起将战略落地· 在这里,岗位说明书不是一成不变的,而是你自己定义的;你愿意且有能力承担什么,你的岗位职责就是什么;因为我们相信你的职业发展通道应该自己去定义· 在这里,领导不是通过头衔和职级赋予的,而是通过创意和勇气。如果你看到的一个待改进的问题,你也同时获得了一个领导项目的机会,因为我们相信,提出问题的人也应该是解决问题的人· 在这里,没有复杂的层级和部门,有的是一个高度扁平化、无边界的孵化平台;跨界的项目每天都在发生,迭代无时不在。我们庆祝失败,因为每一次失败都意味着我们可以更聪明的开始下一次尝试 如果你:· 厌倦了日复一日的重复工作,有一腔热情待挥洒· 拥有好奇心、相信终生成长、心中充满爱· 最重要的,对教育有想法、有能力并且有意愿让我们的学校变得更好,助力教育发生改变· 相信改变世界的力量不只来自大牛,也来自无数热爱生活的普罗大众· 希望拥有的不只是一份工作,而是一个独特的经历、一场创业的冒险、一次对于初心的坚持、一个超越自我的机会、一份值得托付的事业 我们热烈欢迎你加入我们,一起奔跑,奔向未来的教育!






