Requirements任职要求 1.Bachelor’s degree and above in the teaching area. 任教学科拥有本科及以上学历2.Teaching qualification.有教师资格证3.Ability to work well in a multicultural workplace. 能在多元文化的工作环境中出色地工作4.IGCSE/A Level/DP experience of two years. 有两年IGCSE/A level/DP相关经验5.For those teachers whose degree was not achieved in English, we expect an IELTS level (6.5) or Chinese University level CET-6(This requirement is for non-English teachers). 对那些持有非英语授课学历的教师,我们希望他们的英语至少达到雅思6.5分或者英语六级水平(此条要求不适用于英语教师)Responsibilities职责描述 Preparing Teaching 备课1.Prepare an Academic year plan or subject teaching handbook with a syllabus orientation teaching progress and assessment strategies. 准备一份学年计划或学科教学手册,包括教学大纲、教学进度和评估策略2.Planning appropriate written curriculum documents as per program needs of IBDP, A Level, or IGCSE, e.g, lesson plans or teaching PPTs按照IBDP,A Level, PreDP 或 IGCSE课程的要求,准备合适的书面课程文件, 比如教案或教学PPT3.Properly planned teaching resources saved in the school server, and ManageBac(or other platforms as required by the school)妥善规划教学资源并保存在学校服务器和ManageBac上面4.Setting learning outcomes, aims, and ****ives of the curriculum.满足课程的学习成果、目的和目标5.Ensuring that assessment outcomes are used to plan lessons.确保将评估结果用于备课6.Participating in vertical and horizontal curriculum planning, across and within Subject Areas.进行纵向和横向的课程规划,将认识论(TOK)融入课堂7.Collaborative writing of unit plans updated on ManageBac.共同撰写单元计划,并在 ManageBac 更新8.Teachers will provide evidence of written curriculum and teaching material to SALs and Programme Coordinators. 教师需要向学科组长和项目协调员提交书面课程、教学材料和评估数据During Teaching 上课1.Make sure the physical surrounding and teaching devices of your classroom are ready in advance.提前准备好你教室里的物理环境和教学设施2.Checking attendance every period and care for the safety and well-being of all students每节课都需要考勤并全方位关注学生的安全和良好状态3.Organize and manage students’ seats in an orderly pattern which can make teaching and learning more effectively.有序组织学生的座位以使教和学更加有效4.To be responsible for effective classroom management to ensure that every student can learn,e.g the use of electronic devices负责有效的课堂管理,确保每个学生都能够学习, 比如电子产品的管理5.Delivering high-quality Teaching and Learning experiences in ENGLISH as a primary language of instruction. (Where appropriate, teachers may support with bi-lingual access to curriculum) 以英语为主要教学语言,提供高质量的教学体验(在适当的情况下,教师可提供双语讲解支持课程理解)6.Relevant pedagogical approaches used to create active and engaged learning experiences for students采用相关教学方法,为学生创造积极主动的学习体验Assessment 评估1.To create relevant and authentic formative and summative assessment tasks设计有关联的、真实的形成性和总结性评估任务2.To be responsible for student learning, ensuring measurable progress.对学生的学习负责,保证学生得到进步且进步情况是可被测量的3.To coordinate with parents about student progress与家长协调,保证学生的进步4.To coordinate with pastoral team for regular follow ups, target setting and student improvement.与德育团队协调,定期跟踪、设定目标,促进学生进步5.To do assessment analysis which informs teaching and learning分析评估情况,并将其应用于教学6.To contribute to the wider school community by helping showcase of student learning and actively participating in exhibitions, field trips, competitions, judging, house events, and so on.通过帮助创建学生学习的展示平台,积极参与成果展、社会实践、比赛、评委、学院活动等,为学校社区做出贡献7.To prepare and administer all forms of internal and external examinations: Mid-term, End of Semester, Mock, and global exams.准备并参与学校组织的期中、期末、模拟以及全球考试8.To do reporting and commenting as per needs of the school policies 根据学校政策的需要进行学生成绩报告和评论9.To adhere to academic honesty and pastoral policy expectations from teachers坚持学术诚信和德育政策对教师的要求10.Teachers will provide assessment data to SALs and Programme Coordinators. 教师要向学科组长和项目协调员提供各种评测数据Homework 作业1.To prepare and assign regular Homework at least one week in advance 至少要提前一周准备和布置作业2.The amount of homework for each exam subject is about 3 hours of homework per week. 一门考试科目每周大约需要3个小时的作业。家庭作业的数量可以通过全球考试时间来衡量3.Homework should be marked within 5 working days and make sure students make 100 percent corrections. 作业应在5个工作日内完成,确保学生全部订正4.Homework is formative – the most effective formative work includes feedback and reflection – teachers are expected to support students in those processes. 家庭作业是形成性的——最有效的形成性工作包括反馈和反思——教师应该在这些过程中支持学生Tutoring 辅导1.Teachers are expected to support student success through participation in evening study one evening each week, for no less than 120 minutes (2 hours, equivalent to 2 day-time teaching periods) 教师应每周参加一次不少于120分钟(2小时,相当于2个日间教学时段)的晚自习,以支持学生的成功2.Evening study may include HW support, additional direct instruction (may not be used as curriculum Time), supporting academic competitions or other activities as approved by the programme coordinator. 夜学习可能包括HW支持,额外的直接指导 (可能不用作课程时间),支持学术比赛或其他活动,以上需由项目协调员批准3.A schedule of evening study will be produced each semester by the programme coordinator.每学期由项目协调员制定一份晚辅导时间表Professional learning 专业学习1.To participate in school-based workshops as well as IB&CAIE external workshops/conferences参与学校工作坊、会议及IB及CAIE外部工作坊/会议2.Teachers are encouraged to lead collaborative professional learning with colleagues. 鼓励教师与同事合作进行专业学习3.Teachers are expected to participate in weekly Professional Collaboration Times Mondays and Wednesdays.教师将参加每周一和周三的专业合作时间4.Teachers are expected to actively and reflectively engage with the performance ****uation process as led by SALs and Programme Coordinators. 教师应积极和反思地参与由学科组长和项目协调员领导的绩效评估过程Other General 一般要求1.Be present and responsible for every duty assigned.参加、负责被分配的每一项任务2.Be responsible for one Co-curriculum activity (CCA) per week.每周负责上一节课外活动课(CCA)3.Conduct one Parent Teacher Conference per semester.每学期召开一次家长会4.Any other job assigned by the Heads of High School其它由中学校长布置的工作5.Be professionally consistent with the school’s mission and values.在专业上与学校的使命和价值观保持一致6.Note and apply the school’s policies and procedures as applicable.注意并贯彻学校的政策和程序7.To fulfill responsibilities of homeroom teacher, CAS advisor or supervisor, EE/IPQ/EPQ supervisor as assigned to.履行班主任,创造、服务、行动(CAS)顾问或导师,EE/IPQ/EPQ拓展论文导师的职责8.To comply with staff handbook expectations of the school遵守学校员工手册要求9.To fill records for self-****uation on school software填写学校软件平台上的自我评价记录10.Write recommendation letters for students as coordinated and required by the University Guidance Team 根据大学指导团队的要求,为学生撰写推荐信Please note that the above list is neither exhaustive nor definitive and is subject to change in accordance with departmental and school needs.请注意,以上所列内容不是全部职责,会产生变化,会因应部门及学校的需要而更改。
为了更好地满足海外归国就业人才子女接受国际化教育的需求,在苏州工业园区管委会支持下,中锐教育集团和中新集团合作创办了苏州工业园区海归人才子女学校(Overseas Chinese Academy Suzhou,简称OCAS).这是首家为海归人才子女、华裔华侨子女以及有意愿接受国际教育的中国学生而特别打造的学校。