1.Within companys policies, procedures, business plans and cost of sales, to plan, implement and accomplish sales target in assigned region programming the market, keeping reasonable customer structure and gaining high market share searching new gaining point to raising business.
1. 在公司的政策、流程、业务、销售成本范围内,负责计划、执行并完成所分配区域的销售任务以达到销售指标;对所负责的市场进行整体规划,以保持合理的客户结构及市场占有率;不断优化市场结构、寻找新的增长点以保持业务的持续增长。
2.Review customers’ sales history information and aware of their needs and expectations, to quote, negotiate, provide solution and follow up to accomplish sales target and project assigned.
2. 分析客户历史销售数据,了解他们的需求及期望,负责报价、谈判及提供解决方案并进行后续跟进以完成公司下达的销售指标及其它项目工作;
3.Coordinating pre and after service, keeping effective communication with the customer, visiting customer regularly in order to assist them analyze their sales situation, programming and developing channel , coordinating with other department to fulfill contract, delivering goods duly and correctly raising customer comprehensive competitor and marketing ability, to ensure customer’s royalty and satisf.
3. 协调售前及售后服务,与客户保持及时有效的沟通;定期拜访客户、帮助区域内的客户对其销售状况进行分析、规划和配合开发;与其它部门协调合作,落实合同与协议的执行,出货的及时及准确率以确保客户的忠诚度及满意度;
4.Developing new customer and channel, promoting new product, to ensure business growth.
4. 业务开发:积极开发新客户和新渠道,推广公司的新产品以确保业务的增长;
5.Be familiar with company products and service and be responsible to conduct relevant knowledge training of customers and HA fitting staff to promote the spread of knowledge and information, and improve their overall competence.
5. 了解公司产品知识及服务,负责对区域内客户及终端验配师进行相关知识的培训,促进知识和信息的传播,全面提高客户和验配师的综合素质
6.uating sales territory and analysis of the sales potential per customer within the target market, to draft marketing plan and promotion plan to accomplish the target in region.
6. 评估销售区域并分析市场内客户的销售潜力,负责拟议公司指派地区的市场规划和销售(促销)计划以完成所指派地区的销售任务;
7.Collecting marketing and competitors information, awareness of the strengths and vulnerabilities of each competitor and anticipating their strategies, passing the information back to the company with suggestion if need, to ensure the effectiveness of company strategy.
7. 负责收集所辖区域的市场信息,了解竞争对手的情况及他们在产品和非产品方面销售条件的优劣势,预测竞争对手的策略并及时主动反馈给公司并提出有益的建议以确保公司有效的战略部署。
1. Bachelor degree, Majoring in marketing, medical, electrics or relevant subject
1. 电子、医学或市场营销相关专业本科学历;
2. At least 5 years sales working experience
2. 5年以上外资企业销售工作经验.
公司主要生产经营西门子品牌助听器,同时拥有若干其他品牌。公司拥有强大的研发创新能力,其助听器产品以先进的技术、优良的品质、完善的售后服务屹立世界助听器市场前列,同时也始终保持中国助听器销售量及市场占有率领先的地位。在追求最佳绩效的同时,我们始终坚持秉承最高的道德标准。公司多次荣获江苏省、苏州市及园区政府颁发的“诚信优秀企业”“劳动关系和谐企业”“就业促进先进企业”等荣誉称号,建立环境健康安全(EHS)管理体系,通过ISO 14001和OHSAS 18001认证。公司一直积极参与各项社会公益活动,为中国的听力康复事业做出重要贡献。