Provide scientific support to Werfen China customers
• Identify the appropriate Werfen products key opinion leaders for Werfen China
• Improve Werfen China´s products and overall knowledge of our services through internal trainings.
• Provide Werfen China with the most accurate and appropriate market information for strategic planning
• Look for companies and products that can complement our actual products portfolio or services.
•Perform other tasks as assigned.
50多年来,Werfen在体外诊断解决方案方面不断研发创新来提高效率并加强对病人的呵护。针对这个目标的不懈努力使我们在血凝、急症诊断和自身免疫这些体外诊断专业领域一直居于全球领导地位。 在这些临床领域的专注和专业,以及以客户为主的研发模式是我们成功的关键。通过与我们的制造公司:美国实验仪器公司、Inova Diagnostics和Biokit的密切合作,我们分享最佳方案,优化效率,一起更快更好地实现重大突破。