To provide necessary technical and operational support all activities around the topic “Blended Learning” including but not limited to VC, IBT and mixed forms of both.
1. Preparation of Workstations in the different class rooms:
•Installation of requested product Software like NUMARIS, SOMARIS, syngo.via aso.(old version, actual version, new version for CUT,MEP...)
• Import of requested Patient data
•Check of network / Hw resources in class room resp. to servers
•Final check of class room set up with trainers
2. Preparation and administration of ESX Server Landscape:
•Update virtual machines as requested for different trainings with Product software like SOMARIS, NUMARIS, syngo.via aso.
•Prepare and implement virtual machines for above mentioned products
•Import and actualize Patient Images as requested for different trainings
•Feasibility study for planned training setups
•Final checks together with trainers
•Check and provision of network resources
•Administration of servers
3. Support prior and during training sessions:
•Carry out TECH checks with designated course participants
•Support of WebEx application during training sessions
•Service support during training (WebEx, systems, participants)
•Camera work during IBT sessions
•uation of trainings to optimize training workflow and technical setup
4. Documentation of virtual trainings:
•The technical set up, software setup, workflow has to be documented in a way,
that approved trainings can easily be set up again and reproduced.
5. Other TC related assignments given by supervisors.
- 3-5 years in IT industry, good technical knowhow on network technologies, streaming technologies, Windows
OS, VM Ware solutions, both in hardware and software. Preferably with experience in camera operation and video/audio processing.
- High flexibility and good technical knowledge to handle the different product software (NUMARIS, SOMARIS, syngo.via aso.)
- Autonomous cooperation with relevant business lines and departments
- Good team p (different nature of trainers, training structures)
- Innovative ( optimize training set up, structure, workflow)
- Flexible in working hours ( time shifted trainings)
- Empathy for training in general (didactics, workflow)
- Basic level of English skills, able to communicate with trainers and trainees in English in person or on the phone
Education: Bachelor or above