- 根据产品需求,选择软件技术路线,完成软件系统的架构设计。
- 负责嵌入式平台技术调研、搭建、和验证工作,负责核心架构的搭建、关键技术的攻关等。
- 与电气、固件团队一起协作,完成物联网的集成、测试、优化、升级等。
- 与云平台团队一起协作,完成设备数据到云端的集成、测试、优化、升级等。
- 参与整个物联网产品研发的规划与设计,推动整个产品线的更新与完善。
- 5年以上嵌入式开发经验,本科及以上学历。
- 精通Linux操作系统、开发工具、调试方法,及C/C++应用的开发。
- 精通Linux 多任务应用开发,及进程间通信及内存管理机制。
- 熟悉ARM或DSP硬件架构,熟悉常用的Wifi, BLE, 4G, Ethernet, RS485, RS232等接口,了解LoRa, NB-IOT低功耗通讯接口与协议。
- 熟悉Modbus, BACnet, OPC等行业标准协议,并了解PLC厂商(如西门子、施耐德、罗克韦尔、三菱等)的通讯协议。
- 具有工业4.0或智慧城市智能网关开发经验者优先。
Anji Technology is a new technology company of Anji Logistics, specialized in intelligence, Internet and cloud sharing. We are committed to be the very first choice of obtaining intelligent technology and intelligent solutions. We serve customers from automobile manufacturing, mechanical processing, electronic, e-commerce, tobacco, medicine, daily chemical, apparel and many other industries. Our goal is to provide our customers with a set of overall automated logistics solutions, which come up with high efficiency, high performance, low cost and low risk. We aim at achieving the digitization and intelligence of the whole supply chain and then provide the maximum benefit for our customers.