Perform general risk assessment on business operation and procedure within the scope of whole company, and find out weak areas which need to be improved.
Conduct on-site audit work;
Conduct the audit project, from audit plan and audit strategy designing, execution of audit program and audit report preparation;
Provide analysis and investigation on business process within the company and provide best practice to mitigate risks;
Discuss on findings and suggestions with audited party and senior management involved;
Prepare audit reports according to findings and suggestions;
Receive feedback on the project, evaluate the implementation and carry out the follow-up assessment;
Perform other assignments required by the senior management.
1. 审计/金融/经济管理/信息安全/计算机/法律/统计学专业本科或以上学位
Bachelor degree or above with major of Auditing/Finance/Accounting/Economic management;
2. 注册内部审计师(CIA),金融风险管理师(FRM),注册会计师CPA或同等资格认证将优先考虑
Certified Internal Auditor(CIA), Financial Risk Manager, Certified Public Accountant or equivalent certifications will be highly preferred;
3. 至少2年企业或四大内/外部审计经验,四大会计事务所咨询机构从事消费金融行业内审,或同行行业/类行业工作经验者最佳。
Minimum of 2 years’ experience in internal/external audit and preferably working experience in Big Four consulting firm which provides internal audit service or similar experience within same/similar area;
Required skills
1. 与各部门建立合作关系,善于团队合作,沟通及协调能力强;
Ability to establish good relationship with different parties, be good at team work, strong communication and coordination skills;
2. 掌握风险识别、风险评估以及内部控制活动评估审计以及合规审计的方法及审计技巧;
Strong knowledge of risk-based audit and compliance audit method and technologies;
3. 了解银监会等监管机构对于内控及风险的管控要求;
Good understanding of the requirements from external regulators;
4. 最好也能够了解美国及中国萨班斯奥克斯法案对内控体系以及IT内部控制体系的要求;
It would be better if having good understanding of related requirements in the Sarbanes-Oxley Acts;
5. 熟悉各种操作系统及数据库配置安全要求;
Be familiar with IT security requirements to various operating systems and database configurations;
9. 了解系统各个流程的系统配置及审计要点;
Good understanding of system configurations and key points of audit;
10. 具备项目基本管理能力,熟知项目质量控制因素;
Capable to manage project, strong understanding of quality control factors in a project;
11. 能够适应国内出差;
Willing to travel on business around China and get used to on-site work schedule;
12. 流利口语及书面英语能力。
Fluent in spoken and written English.
捷信集团(Home Credit B.V.)是国际领先的消费金融服务提供商(简称:捷信),业务遍及全球11个极具增长潜力的市场。成立于1997年,捷信主要向信用记录缺失或很少的人群提供负责任的贷款,以及简单、方便和快捷的消费金融服务。在每个运营的国家,捷信都致力成为当地市场的领先者。凭借丰富的跨国运营经验和专业知识,捷信得以持续领先众多的同行企业。通过提供安全和优质的贷款体验,捷信积极地推动并扩展普惠金融覆盖传统银行服务覆盖不到的人群——我们的很多客户都是首次借款人。捷信积极推动生活水平的提升,同时满足借款人的金融需求。截至2016年6月,捷信拥有超过8.6万名员工,累计服务超过5,990万客户。捷信拥有强大的业务网络,包括超过21.5万个贷款服务网络点。
继武汉和长沙客户服务中心投入运营后,2016年9月,捷信正式启用其在华投资的全新客户服务中心 – 天津客户服务中心。此前,捷信在华共设有武汉和长沙两大客户服务中心,共可容纳8000名专业客服人员,日均服务量可达750,000次。随着天津客户服务中心全面投入运行,将有近15,000名客服人员为客户提供7天无休的专业服务,服务能力和水平都将得到显著提升。
作为银监会批准设立的首批四家试点消费金融公司中唯一的外资公司,捷信消费金融有限公司, 其股东为国际领先的消费金融服务提供商捷信集团,于2010年底正式在中国开业,为中国的客户提供消费金融服务。消费是促进中国经济结构转型的重要推动力。捷信消费金融有限公司积极响应国家扩大内需、大力发展消费金融的要求,通过为客户提供安全、负责任的消费金融服务,持继为中国的经济发展和人民生活水平的提高做出贡献。