Key Objectives:
•As a Partner Marketing Manager, you will be part of HomeCredit China Product and Marketing department and work with Brand and Partner Marketing Director to develop and execute POS Excellence Strategy, drive Brand presence at POS, enhance brand share of mind and dominant first recommendation at POS.
•Based on deep understanding of internal business and external competition, you are responsible for driving cross functions integration to strategically plan and manage brand exposure at POS, systematically improve customer journey and ensure the overall execution excellence at POS.
Duties and responsibilities:
•Fully understand HomeCredit China business, POS structure, partner structure to continuously drive retail brand marketing strategy, POS excellence project.
•Develop yearly & quarterly plan of retail marketing communication plan, including branding, product launch and sustaining, as well as sales promotion.
•Manage cross function collaboration and communication on POS excellence project, deliver different layer communication at POS.
•Based on different POS class, partner type and commodity industry, plan retail marketing actions.
•Work closely with marketing campaign manager and product team for brand communication and product promotion at POS, work closely with partner marketing and sales team to develop tactical promotion at POS.
•Co-op with marketing operation team to ensure the retail campaign on time delivery and drive execution excellence and efficiency.
•Based on deep understanding of retail marketing and 3C environment, continuously drive POSM evaluation and develop innovative POS marketing materials to further drive brand presence at POS.
•Plan retail marketing budget based on POS excellence project and marketing calendar.
•Keep tracking POS execution performance across different sales region, develop quantified measurement and continuously drive executional excellence together with sales team.
•Supervise the external vendors to deliver expected POSM production and dispatching together with marketing operation team.
•Provide post tracking report and improvement actions to achieve POS excellence.
•Minimum 5-8 years related working experience in retail marketing, execution and planning (FMCG background is a plus).
•Knowledgeable in brand presence and POSM development and management.
•Good understanding of different type of retail environment.
•Proven experience in retail marketing management.
•Enjoy all the challenge, able to work under pressure and tight deadline yet keep positive attitude.
•Can work independently to drive things happen.
•Result oriented and able to collaborate with different team.
•Excellent project management skill and communication skill.
•Fluent English in both speaking and writing.
•Bachelor’s degree (marketing preferred) required. MBA a plus.
捷信集团(Home Credit B.V.)是国际领先的消费金融服务提供商(简称:捷信),业务遍及全球11个极具增长潜力的市场。成立于1997年,捷信主要向信用记录缺失或很少的人群提供负责任的贷款,以及简单、方便和快捷的消费金融服务。在每个运营的国家,捷信都致力成为当地市场的领先者。凭借丰富的跨国运营经验和专业知识,捷信得以持续领先众多的同行企业。通过提供安全和优质的贷款体验,捷信积极地推动并扩展普惠金融覆盖传统银行服务覆盖不到的人群——我们的很多客户都是首次借款人。捷信积极推动生活水平的提升,同时满足借款人的金融需求。截至2016年6月,捷信拥有超过8.6万名员工,累计服务超过5,990万客户。捷信拥有强大的业务网络,包括超过21.5万个贷款服务网络点。
继武汉和长沙客户服务中心投入运营后,2016年9月,捷信正式启用其在华投资的全新客户服务中心 – 天津客户服务中心。此前,捷信在华共设有武汉和长沙两大客户服务中心,共可容纳8000名专业客服人员,日均服务量可达750,000次。随着天津客户服务中心全面投入运行,将有近15,000名客服人员为客户提供7天无休的专业服务,服务能力和水平都将得到显著提升。
作为银监会批准设立的首批四家试点消费金融公司中唯一的外资公司,捷信消费金融有限公司, 其股东为国际领先的消费金融服务提供商捷信集团,于2010年底正式在中国开业,为中国的客户提供消费金融服务。消费是促进中国经济结构转型的重要推动力。捷信消费金融有限公司积极响应国家扩大内需、大力发展消费金融的要求,通过为客户提供安全、负责任的消费金融服务,持继为中国的经济发展和人民生活水平的提高做出贡献。