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Telesales System Specialist




和平区 | 大专 | 1年以下

工作地点:和平区 所属部门:销售部
职位类别:呼叫中心/电话客服 招聘人数:1 人

Key objectives
l Intraday Outbound Contact Management system conducting
l Manage Real time monitoring processes to ensure call list consume and call center staffing efficiency
l Intraday dialer and system status monitoring
l System issue troubleshooting and follow up
l System function optimization

Duties and responsibilities
· Maintenance of call center system settings to assure call center working efficiency, included but not limited to: GA/OCM and CCP
· Outbound dialer monitoring and intraday dialer setting adjustment based on expert judgment and efficiency analysis
· Effectively communicate with call center management level to enhance the efficiency of call list dialing and decrease man hour loss according to capacity and system status.
· Effectively communicate with peers and those we support in the business to ensure high quality and timely completion of work requests, and decrease the loss taken by system issue.
· Troubleshooting and follow up emergency system issue
· Continually optimize system functions and process ,
· To participate in system testing and user permission admin .
· Shifting – need to cover 7 days in a week + the whole telesales OB working hours(7:00-23:00)

l College degree or above
l Familiar with the application of call center systems and technologies
l 3+ years total work experience, with call center experience is preferred.
l 1+ year experience of dispatcher, or proficient with Resource management is preferred
l Knowledge of call center operability and duties
l Knowledge of work force management area is preferred
Required skills/knowledge:

l English Communication (be able to do basic work related communication with foreigner colleagues)
l Ability to plan, prioritize, dispatcher and organize effectively / detail-oriented.
l MS Excel – enhanced user
l Self-motivated, open, careful, honest and dedicate to work
l Capable of self-learning
l Experience in software testing, supporting or designing
l Certified ITIL, Prince 2 is preferred
l Understanding of telesales business and process
l Structured thinking and ability to decompose complex situation and issues
l Good Communication skill via phone/mail

学历要求:大专 工作经验:1年以下
年龄要求:不限 性别要求:不限
语言要求:普通话 专业要求:不限
公司性质:其它 公司规模:10000人以上

捷信集团(Home Credit B.V.)是国际领先的消费金融服务提供商(简称:捷信),业务遍及全球11个极具增长潜力的市场。成立于1997年,捷信主要向信用记录缺失或很少的人群提供负责任的贷款,以及简单、方便和快捷的消费金融服务。在每个运营的国家,捷信都致力成为当地市场的领先者。凭借丰富的跨国运营经验和专业知识,捷信得以持续领先众多的同行企业。通过提供安全和优质的贷款体验,捷信积极地推动并扩展普惠金融覆盖传统银行服务覆盖不到的人群——我们的很多客户都是首次借款人。捷信积极推动生活水平的提升,同时满足借款人的金融需求。截至2016年6月,捷信拥有超过8.6万名员工,累计服务超过5,990万客户。捷信拥有强大的业务网络,包括超过21.5万个贷款服务网络点。


继武汉和长沙客户服务中心投入运营后,2016年9月,捷信正式启用其在华投资的全新客户服务中心 – 天津客户服务中心。此前,捷信在华共设有武汉和长沙两大客户服务中心,共可容纳8000名专业客服人员,日均服务量可达750,000次。随着天津客户服务中心全面投入运行,将有近15,000名客服人员为客户提供7天无休的专业服务,服务能力和水平都将得到显著提升。

作为银监会批准设立的首批四家试点消费金融公司中唯一的外资公司,捷信消费金融有限公司, 其股东为国际领先的消费金融服务提供商捷信集团,于2010年底正式在中国开业,为中国的客户提供消费金融服务。消费是促进中国经济结构转型的重要推动力。捷信消费金融有限公司积极响应国家扩大内需、大力发展消费金融的要求,通过为客户提供安全、负责任的消费金融服务,持继为中国的经济发展和人民生活水平的提高做出贡献。
