Ensure that the H&S management system is maintained according the H&S strategy and local laws and regulations
Maintenance and Preparation for recertification acc.OHSAS 18001
Reporting to the Manager / supervisor EHS
Maintenance and further development of H&S-management system
Organisation of workflows, documentations and records related to H&S
Data collection and preparation of regular internal and external reports and applications
Supervision of implementation and fulfilment of safety rules and regulations
Define the work area and job position which Juvenile worker is strictly prohibited, and ensure the safe situation for the group
Organisation, execution and evaluation of H&S related inspections and audits
Continuous analysis of defaults/deviations and initialization of preventive or corrective actions and improvements related to health & safety hazards
Consultancy to departments for H&S-related items
Preparation and execution of H&S training programs for employees
Organisation of the regular fire fighting, emergency and evacuation drill
Provision of alternatives in operation and supervision
Preparation of H&S target/programs
maintain authority contacts for fire fighting, work safety and hygienic issues and to H&S-related associations,
Internal and external Self-qualification by literature studying, visits of H&S-fairs, congresses,
Other Job assignment from superior.
Graduated engineer with major “safety”, “chemistry” or related..
Fluent written and oral English
Knowledge about local laws and regulations about Health and safety
Computer skills (MS office)
作为一家迅速发展的跨国企业,奥特斯目前在奥地利本土和亚洲地区共拥有六个生产基地 - 奥地利:利奥本、菲岭;亚洲:印度南燕古德、韩国安山、中国上海、中国重庆(在建)。
奥特斯在中国已有十余年的发展历史。奥特斯(中国)有限公司是集团在中国设立的独资企业,项目于2001 年由两国最高元首在北京人民大会堂共同签署,截至目前累计总投资超过7 亿美元,是迄今为止奥地利在华最大的投资项目。公司的主要产品为HDI 高端印刷电路板,客户包括了许多全球领先的移动通讯设备厂商。奥特斯上海工厂现有员工超过4300 人,根据中国印制电路协会统计,奥特斯上海工厂已发展成为全球最大的HDI 高密度印制电路板制造基地。
奥特斯科技(重庆)有限公司是奥特斯集团在中国设立的第二家独资企业,项目于2011年启动,工厂分三期建设,一期投资为4.47亿美元,预计2016年1月开始量产, 届时员工人数将达到1600人。奥特斯重庆生产的产品为高端半导体封装载板,客户为全球领先的半导体制造商。由于半导体封装载板的准入门槛极高,工厂建成后奥特斯将凭借极具竞争力的自身优势跃为全球仅有的三家、中国唯一的新一代高端半导体封装载板制造商。