TrendX - Provide predictive detection using Context-Aware Machine Learning to our products
As an Architect/Senior data analyst, you will be working on mission critical software system with top researchers and engineers across Trend. This role requires excellent technical leadership and communication skills in addition to a high degree of adaptability and creativity. Expect to design system architecture, provide solutions to difficult problems, implement data analysis system independently, and collaborate with remote teams in other regions around the world.
5+ years experience in data analysis domain
Bachelor degree and above in Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Statistics or related discipline
Strong knowledge on machine learning, pattern recognition and/or data mining
Proven experience in working on large and complex data analysis systems design and implementation
Proven experience in distributed system trouble-shooting and performance tuning
Knowledge and experience leveraging open source technologies such as Hadoop, Spark, MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra
Experience in building index/search applications a plus
Experience in Node.js providing super concurrent access is a plus
Understanding of virtualization, and cloud computing concepts and technology is a plus
Clear English written and verbal communication skills
Ideal candidate should demonstrate history of technical innovation, attention to detail, ability to handle shifting priorities, changing directions and multi-tasking
Good planning and effort estimation skills
Able to convert broad requirements to detailed specification and document software design via functional specifications and other design documents
Agile mentality and can-do spirit
趋势科技专注的领域涵盖:数据中心和云服务,邮件和通讯安全,数据中心安全,网络安全,智能防护云,终端和移动以及风险管理等。趋势科技的网络防恶意软件专利是行业的知识产权典范。趋势科技在全球拥有 15 个恶意软件实验室(TrendLabs),可以涵盖世界各地的威胁。在硅谷、中国、中国台湾、 加拿大、 德国、英国和其他 5 个国家/地区,趋势科技建立了 11 个研发中心,构建的网络可持续监控全球威胁和局部地区威胁,遍布全球各地的1,500余名趋势科技安全专家可为各国家和地区的用户提供7×24的全天候响应及技术支持服务。
全球 50 强企业中的 48 家都选用趋势科技的解决方案,其中囊括全球10大汽车公司和10大电信公司。在中国,趋势科技的表现也很抢眼,在中国500强企业中,77%已经使用了趋势科技的解决方案,其中包括70%以上的银行、80%的证劵公司、65%的汽车制造商和50%的保险公司。