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Store Manager 体验店店长




深圳 | 全日制统招本科 | 5年以上

工作地点:深圳 所属部门:销售部
职位类别:其他 招聘人数:1 人

工作职责 Responsibilities:

-人员管理Personnel/Staff Supervision
1. 根据公司的人事政策,面试以及录用店铺员工
Interview and hire store staff according to the company HR policy
2. 培训员工业务销售技巧和管理能力,发展有潜力的专家级销售顾问,高级销售顾问和店铺副经理
Train employee business skills and management ability, and develop potential ESA, SSA, ASM
3. 对所有员工进行及时的绩效评估,并确保其公平性
Conduct and ensure fair and timely performance evaluation of all staff
4. 需要时向上级主管咨询和沟通员工事宜
Consult and communicate staff issues to superior as needed
5. 告知并激励员工达成店铺销售目标并遵守公司政策
Inform and motivate staff to meet stores goals and ensure all employees comply with DJI policies
6. 管监员工排班,出勤和休假安排
Responsible for staff scheduling, attendance and vacations
7. 认可并鼓励员工的成功和已达成的好业绩,创造一个和谐上进的工作气氛
Recognize and celebrate great success and great performance of employees. Create a harmonious for and positive working atmosphere
8. 对所有员工的个人信息保密,按要求保管员工档案
Keep all store employee data confidential, maintain staff profile according to policy
9. 对公司所有信息和数据保密
Keep all company information and data confidential
10. 确保与相关团队进行及时和有效的沟通
Ensure all the communication is properly and timely communicated with relevant team

-店铺财务业绩Store’s Financial Results
1. 达成店铺销售和利润目标并控制好成本
Achieve store’s sales plans and operating profits while maintaining expenses
2. 分析销售趋势并做出适当的反应
Analyze sales trends and react appropriately
3. 充分意识到店铺的总利润并控制店铺成本(维护费、劳动成本、损耗品)
Be aware of Stores total gross profits and control store cost (maintenance fee, labor, consumable goods )
4. 监控、参与并执行相关程序去减少商品短缺和损失
Monitor, participate and implement programs to reduce shortage/loss
5. 确保执行DDS统来推动达成店铺销售结果
Drive sales results in the store by ensuring DDS systems are followed and executed

1. 确保店铺内所有员工参加大疆培训计划
Ensure that all level of employee attend the DJI training
2. 确保根据店铺需要进行相应的产品知识培训
Ensure that product knowledge training scheduled in accordance to the business needs
3. 监管培训的提供并在必要的情况下向培训部给予有效的反馈
Monitor the training delivery of field coach and give efficient feedback to training department if necessary

-店铺陈列Store Presentation
1. 根据品牌标准管理、监督和支持所有顾客服务政策
Monitor, embrace, and adhere to all client service policies according to brand standard
2. 根据品牌形象组织和检查货品的陈列和每季活动主题
Set-up and review merchandising presentations and animation’s that adhere to and enhance the band image
3. 保持店铺内的清洁和组织管理标准,包括”后台”:仓库、储物柜等
Ensure standards of cleanliness and organization are maintained, including “back stage”: stock room, lockers etc., are maintained

1. 确保店铺的营运管理符合所有大疆的政策和营运标准,如:样品管理、安全性
Ensure store operation compliance with all DJI policies and SOP, for example : Sampling, Safety and Security
2. 确保开关店流程完全遵循营运标准
Ensure the operations of store opening and closing absolutely follow SOP standard
3. 培训及强化员工的现金管理制度和货品短缺预防流程
Train staff and enforce DJI’s cash handling and shortage prevention procedures, if needed.
4. 对库存进行及时的管理并保证库存数据的及时更新并与物流/区域经理/总部沟通库存事宜
Conduct inventories on a timely basis/maintain updated inventory records. And communicate inventory issues/concerns to logistics/ ADM /head office
5. 及时并准确地完成所有店铺营运需要的文书工作
Complete all paperwork procedures that are necessary for the Store’s function promptly and accurately
6. 代表大疆与业主和当地政府机构进行顺畅的沟通
Communicate smoothly with landlord and local authorities as DJI Representative
7. 支持并跟进客户关系管理项目并且按要求在店内进行营销活动
Support and follow up CRM programs and in-store marketing event as per requirement

职位要求 Qualifications

-知识以及技能的要求 Knowledge, skills required
• 优秀的沟通、执行跟踪和分析能力
Excellent communication, follow up and analytical skills
• 对DJI和零售行业充满激情
Be passionate about DJI and retailing
• 在面对危机时能根据具体情况独立做出有效的决定和判断
Ability to exercise independent discretion and judgment in managing a fast paced environment adapting to change with a sense of urgency
• 有电子行业或耐用消费品相关经验者优先考虑
Electronic experience is a plus
• 有能力领导,鼓舞,指导团队完成指标
Be able to lead, motivate, coach, guide a team to achieve business goals
• 熟练操作Windows, Word, Excel 和Powerpoint
Proficient in Windows, Word, Excel, Powerpoint
• 具有5年以上零售、店铺管理经验 (A类型店)
XXL Store,5+ years in retails/store line management
• 具有4-5年零售、服务行业管理经验(B类型店)
XL Store ,4-5years in retails/service industry management
• 具有3-4年零售、服务行业管理经验 (C类型店)
L /M/S Store ,3-4years in retail/service industry management
• 英语良好者优先考虑
Good command of English is preferred

学历要求:全日制统招本科 工作经验:5年以上
年龄要求:不限 性别要求:不限
语言要求:普通话 专业要求:不限
公司性质:外商独资 公司规模:1000-2000

DJI大疆创新科技有限公司以“the future of possible”为主旨理念,致力于成为全球飞行影像系统独家先驱,其产品线涵盖高端无人机飞行控制系统及地面站控制系统、专业影视航拍飞行平台、顶级商用云台系统、高清远距离数字图像传输系统、专业级无线遥控和成像终端以及最智能的模型飞行器产品, 全球首款可用于空中拍摄的一体化小型多旋翼飞行器和可大批量应用于飞行玩具的高精控制模块。

DJI大疆创新的主流产品线包括, Ace One 系列工业无人直升机飞行控制系统及地面站控制系统,WooKong-M 系列多旋翼控制系统及地面站系统,禅思系列高精工业云台,筋斗云系列多旋翼航拍飞行器,包含了高清数字图传的如来系列手持控制一体机。模型及玩具方向,有Phantom系列一体化多旋翼飞行器, WooKong-H遥控直升机控制器,Naza系列多旋翼控制器,风火轮系列轻型多轴飞行器以及可大批量OEM的飞行控制模块。









