优时吉博罗建材集团是美国优时吉集团和澳洲博罗集团各半投资的合资企业,是亚太和中东地区石膏建材与天花吊顶行业居领导地位的跨国公司,在12个国家拥有生产基地,产品销往30多个国家。优时吉博罗在中国设有5家石膏建材工厂,年产能达1.55亿m2。我们不仅生产高品质的石膏板、粉类产品、轻钢龙骨及其辅料配件,更致力于通过“源自您的灵感与创新”来改变建筑的设计和施工方式,为各类公共建筑和住宅装修提供最佳吊顶和隔墙系统解决方案,帮助客户降低成本、提升效率、获得更好的建设效果。Brief of USG BORAL and China BusinessUSG BORAL is a 50/50 JV between USG Group and Boral Ltd. We are the most innovative and leading supplier of plasterboard partition and ceiling systems in Asia, Australia & Middle East with operations in 12 countries and export activities to over 30 countries. USG BORAL operates 5 plasterboard plants in China with an annual capacity of 155 Million m2. We manufacture and distribute the full partition and ceiling system, consisting of compound, metal framing, ceiling tiles and accessories. Our aim is to change the way buildings are designed and built through innovation inspired by youTM to achieve better performance with less cost and more efficiency.