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2015/05/12 16:38

写个英国回答。 没有做过英国税法实务,所以我就根据伦敦政经和剑桥所学英国税法和比较公司税法,以及法条,来回答下。(欢迎英国做税法实务的专业人士进行实务的更正与补充)



一种公车私用,小企业(尤其一人独资企业),以及个体工商户等等,他买了个豪车、乘用车,挂在企业帐下,抵扣购车费用以及汽车使用费用,性质上是公司(一人股东、实际控制人、股东)将自己的车作公司抵扣。主要适用 Expenditures on vehicles。
根 据UK INCOME TAX (TRADING AND OTHER INCOME) ACT 2005 (ITTOIA 2005),94D-94G,你选择获得汽车时的资本抵扣,之后就不能再选择汽车使用支出的抵扣;根据94H-94I,汽车使用支出的抵扣,UK对把家作 为运营目的使用,有限制。(意即你从家开出去或者回到家的汽油费或其他汽车运营支出抵扣有限额)

Number of hours worked (wholly and exclusively)                 applicable amount
25 or more                                                                        10 pounds
51 or more                                                                        18 pounds
101 or more                                                                       26 pounds

premises used both as home and business premises
number of relevant occupants                                            applicable amount
1                                                                                      350
2                                                                                       500
3 or more                                                                           650

另外一种公车私用,大企业一直免费给员工专车开,员工公车私用,油钱也报销,可以归为employee benefit contributions。性质上是给员工的利益。

根据 ITTOIA 2005 第38条以及40条,只有下列员工利益之一是可以抵扣的:



3) 与雇佣关系终止有联系



那么为了商业目的的公务宴请,可不可以抵扣?这个问题适用business entertainment and gifts。
ITTOIA 2005 第45条,原则上不允许。‘entertainment’ include any kind of hospitality, 包括公务宴请。
第46条, 有例外:

逻 辑上讲,允许抵扣的国家不可能再对这些消费计征个人所得税,这些都允许抵扣了,自然是从宽征收,不可能再出台个更趋严的计入个人收入征收个人所得税。智商 正常的公司与雇员,看到公款宴请虽然允许抵扣,但是支付数额还是要征个人所得税,就会选择拿钱、拿补贴,再私下宴请,减少金额宴请,并且更利于公关、以及 减少其他合规风险。


英国与德国都是有原则上可以对 hidden profit distribution不允许抵扣并征收个人所得税的,如公车私用的第一种情形 【性质上是公司(一人股东、实际控制人、股东)将自己的车作公司抵扣。】,可以算作资产使用权转移。但对于公车私用第二种情形,员工福利性质,就是大部分 做公车使用,私人有时候使用,以及公务宴请员工参加等等,由于不是股东,不适用hidden profit distribution, 我没听说过这两项对员工个人征收个人所得税的,也不知道如何操作?公务宴请前代扣代缴?(希望知道的人补充。)问题是征税成本太大吧。



Hidden profit distributions

Sec. 8(3), 2nd sentence of the CITL (Corporate Income Tax Law) provides that "hidden profit distributions (verdeckte Gewinnausschüttung) shall not reduce the income of a corporation".

There are four requirements for the assumption of a hidden profit distribution, all of which must be met:

- the assets of the corporation were reduced or the increase of the company's assets was prevented;
- this was caused by the corporation-shareholder relationship (this is the case if a third party (a non-shareholder)
- by applying sound business principles - would not have agreed to the conditions of the transaction if he had dealt with the company);
- this decrease or prevented increase reduced the income of the corporation; and - this decrease or prevented increase was not based on a regular profit distribution resolution under company law.

Excessive interest and royalty payments to shareholders or their affiliates (i.e. to the extent that the interest rate charged exceeds the market rate for a similar loan or the royalty charged exceeds the market price for a similar agreement) are treated as non-deductible hidden profit distributions (i.e. the tax base of the distributing company is increased by the value of the benefit, which triggers an additional corporation tax of 25% on the benefit (increased to 26.38% by the 5.5% solidarity surcharge).

Hidden capital contributions

The rules governing hidden capital contributions (verdeckte Einlage) are found in Sec. 4(1) of the ITL in conjunction with Sec. 8(1) of the CITL. A hidden capital contribution can be assumed if a shareholder or a related party of the shareholder makes a contribution to the corporation without proper consideration and the reason for this contribution can only be found in the shareholder relationship. This is the case if a third party (a non-shareholder) - by applying sound business principles - would not have agreed to the conditions of the transaction if he had dealt with the company. In the case of a hidden capital contribution, the income of the parties to the transaction must be adjusted accordingly, that is, on the side of the parent company the book value (acquisition costs adjusted by subsequent write-downs or additions) of the German parent's holding in the subsidiary is increased by an addition to this particular balance sheet entry. The amount of this increase corresponds to the income adjustment. The resulting increase in the shareholder's equity automatically results in correspondingly higher taxable income.

