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添加时间:2017-11-26 23:59:50
浏览次数: 0
  提供服务方(乙方):_________  一、设备细目及合同期内的维修服务费用设备名称品牌型号数量维修服务 合计                         合计 
  自年_________月_________日始, 至_________年_________月_________日止;  三、付款方式
  (2)合同期内发生的其它费用在乙方提供服务完毕后5个工作日内,由甲方向乙方一次性支付。  四、服务内容
  (3)乙方以对合同用户的优惠价格向甲方提供合同设备所需使用的耗材及零配件,并免费送货。  五、除外责任
  (6)甲方未能出示本服务合同的有效原件。  六、违约处理
  (4)甲方允许非乙方技术人员维修、维护、拆卸设备及附件或造成设备损坏,本合同自行作废。  七、说明
  (6)本维修合同服务费用只涵盖本合同第4款'服务内容'所涉及的劳务,并不包括维修过程中发生的零配件及消耗品费用。  八、附加条款
甲方:___________________     乙方:________________
授权代表(签字):_______     授权代表(签字):____  附件:    maintenance&repair service bargain    customer(party a):_________
    supplier(party b):_________  1.facilities & servicefacilitiesbrandmodeamountservice fee totally                        totally  2.service period
    from:_________(month)_________(day)_________(year) to:_________(month)_________(day)_________(year)  3.payment terms
  (1)serving the expenses to pay year, pay first, and then the service
  (2)other expenses occurred in the period of this contract should be totally paid by party a to party b in 5 effective working days。  4.service content
  (1)part b should give the machines regular inspects once per one month.
  (2)during the contract period, party b should timely repair the normal stoppage on-the-site after receiving the service-call from party a;
  (3)party b would supply consumables to party a with preferential price and provide door-to-door service free of charge.  5.exclusions
party b would also supply party a with satisfied service under the following circumstance, but payment should be charged correspondingly:
  (1)disobey the direction of operation manual by the users;
  (2)damages in transportation and preservation by customer himself;
  (3)damages caused by fire, water flood, earthquakes, unsteady of power and other natural disasters;
  (4)party a disassembles the machine and spare parts by himself;
  (5)breakdown caused by fake consumable and spare parts provided by other companies;
  (6)party a failed to provide effective original of this contract.  6.breach
  (1)party a has the right to terminate the contract and claim the service fee back in the condition party b fails to execute this contract and influence the normal work of party a;
  (2)party b should compensate and repair the equipment due to the damage caused by himself;
  (3)party b has the right to terminate the contract and claim the payment owed by party a if party a does not fully execute the clause 3 of this contract;
  (4)this contract would be automatically terminated in the condition the damages caused of repair, maintenance, dissemble etc. by the third party permitted by party a.  7.note
  (1)'working hours' mentioned above means any hour during 9:00am-17:00pm in every legal working day;
  (2)any information alternation of party a, such as name, address, telephone, contact, etc. should inform party b in time, otherwise the benefit of party a would be damaged;
  (3)party a should afford all expenses occurred on the way when party b provides service outside shanghai downtown;
  (4)the warranty made by party b in this contract would become ineffective if party a transfer the equipment to any other third party;
  (5)other issues which should be negotiated before signature added as appendix in clause 9, the appendix has the same effectiveness to the other conditions of this contract;
  (6)the service fee mentioned above only includes the serviced in clause 4, not include the cost of spare parts and consumables.  8.appendix
both parties concerned have negotiated all conditions above, and any other oral requirement can not influence the effectiveness of this contract.
party a:_____________________   party b:_____________________
authorized(signature):_____   authorized(signature):_____