1.美式/英式 英语,法语,西语,阿拉伯语,俄语等母语发音,专业配音演员,从事配音行业或有网配从业经验2年及以上2.有录制过公司宣传片,专题片,纪录片,参与过影视配音,电视广告配音,短视频配音等3.业余时间充足或可调配,嗓音状况良好4.能使用专业录音设备录音(在上海需进棚录制),录音过程中不产生任何环境噪音,不能喷麦,吞口水音等,录音的声音需要干净无杂音。5.录音按文本录音,语音语调参考样音(宣传片风格,语音语调控制平稳,有感情,不平淡,流畅自然,声音有感染力)6.需先按文案录制符合样音要求的demo,录音demo通过审核后进行合作。demo录音质量会作为重点选择参考。1. American/British English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian and other native speakers, professional dubbing actors, engaged in dubbing industry or with more than 2 years of experience in dubbing/voice over.2. Have dubbing/voice over experience in company promotional films, feature films, documentaries, participated in film and television dubbing, TV advertising dubbing, short video dubbing, etc3. Sufficient or adjustable spare time and good voice4. Be able to use professional recording equipment for recording (recording in the studio is required in Shanghai) without any environmental noise during the recording process, with no tik sound or pop sound. The recorded sound should be clean and free of noise.5. The recording shall be recorded according to the text, and the voice intonation shall refer to the sample voice (propaganda film ****. The voice and intonation control should be stable, emotional, smooth and natural, and the voice is infectious.)6. It is necessary to record a demo that meets the sample sound requirements according to the text, will cooperate after the test is passed.The quality of the demo will be used as a key ****ion reference.
武汉译满天下科技有限公司成立于2017年4月,创始团队是原人人影视创始团队,拥有14年视频译制经验,累计完成了6万小时作品的译制工作凭借丰富的视频译制经验与语料资源,独立研发高效视频译制工具与译制协作平台,旨在实现视频领域“AI+人工校对”的译制模式,提供从价格、质量、时效上更加有竞争力的译制服务,让更多全职或兼职人员可以参与到视频译制工作与收益分享中来目前已深耕于纪录片、影视业、科技、游戏平台等多个视频译制领域公司福利:五险一金 十三薪 弹性时间 全勤奖 公司沟通机制:平等 包容;公司团队风格:年轻 热情 严谨 高效 团结 学习 追求梦想;公司提供薪酬福利待遇;优厚的薪酬和绩效激励;享有餐补、以及节假日礼物;58的轻松工作时间;社会养老、医疗、失业、工伤、生育保险;不定期组织员工活动或旅游;宽松的企业文化、扁平化的管理结构;开放舒适的办公环境、和谐欢乐的办公氛围;良好的职业发展通道。武汉译满天下真诚欢迎您的加入!人人译视界APP: IOS版、 Android版,在各大应用市场及人人译视界官网可下载。