Key Responsibilities:Teach English Curriculum: Provide stimulating and effective English instruction to secondary school students, in line with international curriculum standards.Collaborative Planning: Cooperate closely with an international English teacher to jointly plan lessons, activities, and assessments tailored to the diverse needs of our students.Curriculum Development: Engage in the ongoing development and enhancement of the English curriculum.Assessment and ****uation: Track student progress, offer **** feedback, and help drive exceptional examination outcomes.Multidisciplinary Teaching: Instruct additional subjects within the IGCSE and A-Level ****works as needed.Secondary School Homeroom Teacher: Plays a pivotal role in guiding students through their academic and personal development, acting as the primary point of contact for both students and parents.Teach co-curricular activities:Supervise evening study halls:Professional Development: Pursue continuous professional growth to remain abreast of the latest best practices in English language education.Qualifications:Education: Possession of a Master’s Degree in English or a closely related discipline from a recognized institution.Experience: A minimum of 5 years of full-time English teaching experience at schools with an international curriculum, preferably with experience in teaching Cambridge Lower Secondary & IGCSE English as a Second Language and A-Level English Language.Track Record: Demonstrable history of achieving excellent examination results.Additional Subject Expertise: Experience in teaching other subjects within the IGCSE and A-Level curricula is desirable.Certifications: Appropriate teaching certifications or qualifications consistent with international educational standards.Skills:Pedagogical Expertise: A solid grasp of educational theories and instructional strategies specific to English language acquisition.Communication: Outstanding oral and written communication abilities in English.Collaboration: The capacity to collaborate effectively within a culturally diverse team setting.Adaptability: The versatility to adjust to evolving educational demands and varied student profiles.Technology Proficiency: Skillfulness in employing educational technologies and digital resources to enrich the learning experience.
宁波协和学校校园总面积超过 44,000 ㎡,地处繁华三江口,毗邻城市新地标“宁波塔”,周边环绕高端 商业、高端住宅、城市中央公园等多个项目,地理位置优越。作为一所从幼儿园到高中 15 年贯通的民办学校,学校秉持着“全人教育,适性发展,做最好的自己”的办学理念,致力于办一所看得见孩子本真和未来的国际化示范学校。2018 年 5 月,由宁波市政府牵头,成功引进了知 名 教 育 品 牌“Concordia 协 和”, 宁 波 协 和 学 校(Concordia School Ningbo, CSN) 与 浙 江 宁 波 协 和 外 籍 人 员 子 女 学 校( Concordia International School Ningbo, CISN) 两 所 姐 妹 学 校 作 为 宁 波市 ' 人才计划 " 的配套项目由此诞生。依托于全球规模巨大、具有深厚国际教育发展历史且影响深远的 "Concordia" 教育品牌,宁波协和学校与外籍姐妹学校紧密合作,运用外方在运营管理、国际课程、师资培养等方面的优势资源以支持学校的长期发展。宁波协和学校在传承中国源远流长的历史文化和建立民族文化认同感的基础上,以中国国家课程为核心,充分融合中外教育实践之精华,精心设计融合课程与联合执教体系,打造学术扎实、“Y”型发展通道的全人教育,为意向家庭提供面向未来的高品质双语教育服务,为培养“根植中华,放眼世界,胜任未来”的时代新人打下坚实基础!Concordia International School (CSN) covers a construction area of 33,000 ㎡ , which is located in the prosperous Sanjiangkou area, adjacent to the city's new landmark "Ningbo Tower" , and surrounded by many municipal projects including a high-end commercial mall, residential areas, and an urban central park. CSN will offer a comprehensive 15-year education from kindergarten through high school. Holding the philosophy of “Embraces the uniqueness of each individual learner to equip them for the future”, CSN focuses on a holistic approach to childcentered development to bring out the best in students. In May 2018, the well-known education brand "Concordia" was introduced by the local government, and then two sister schools, Concordia School Ningbo (CSN) and Concordia International School Ningbo(CISN), were born as the supporting projects of the “Ningbo 3315 Plan". Thanks to the Concordia Education System, one of the most developed and influential private education systems in the world, CSN works closely with its sister school (CISN) in school operation, curriculum design, teachers’ professional development and so on to ensure a long-term prosperity.