职务范围 Job De****ionTeaching and learning 1. Assist in the educational and social development of students under the direction and guidance of the Homeroom teachers and Leadership.在班主任和领导的指导下,协助学生的教育和社会发展。2. Assist in the implementation of Individual Education Programmes for students, help monitor their progress and feedback to the form Homeroom teachers. 协助实施学生个人教育计划,帮助监督他们的进度并向班主任反馈。3. Provide support for individuals and groups of students inside and outside the classroom. 为课堂内外的个人和学生群体提供支持。4. Undertake some teaching tasks with groups of students following plans as prepared by Homeroom teachers.按照班主任制定的计划,与学生小组一起承担一些教学任务。5.Assist class teachers in assessment and record keeping协助班主任进行评估和记录。6.Support students with emotional/behavioural issues and help develop their social and personal skills.支持有情绪/行为问题的学生,帮助他们发展社交和个人技能。7. Encourage and support the skills of independence and self-reliance.鼓励和支持独立和自力更生的技能。8. Undertake routine tasks to support the curriculum and assist with events e.g outings, preparation of the learning environment, field trips and take responsibility for a group under the supervision of the Homeroom teachers.承担日常任务以支持课程并协助活动,如外出、准备学习环境、实地考察,并在班主任的监督下负责一个小组。9. Provide feedback to students in relation to progress and achievement under the guidance of the Homeroom teachers.在班主任的指导下,向学生提供有关进步和成就的反馈。10.Provide feedback to teachers through verbal or written notes. 通过口头或书面笔记向老师提供反馈。11. Prepare resources and materials for new student arriving in school throughout the academic year. 为整个学年到校的新生准备资源和材料。12、Complete any other reasonable duty as requested by line manager.任职资格· College’s Degree or above (preferably in Education, English etc) 大专以上学历(教育、英语等专业优先)· Practical knowledge of equipment, including IT equipment where appropriate, to support learning in a variety of lessons and learning environments either on a one-to-one basis or small groups, under the direction and supervision of the teacher. 设备的实践知识,包括适当的IT设备,在教师的指导和监督下,支持在各种课程和学习环境中一对一或小组学习。· Ability to recognise changes in students' behaviour and report to the teacher.能够识别学生行为的变化并向老师报告。· Ability to complete straightforward paperwork e.g. incident report form. 能够完成简单的文书工作,例如事件报告。· 能够与学生和他人进行清晰的沟通。· Ability to explain straightforward tasks and activities to students under the direction of the teacher. 能够在老师的指导下向学生解释简单的任务和活动。· Ability to follow written and verbal instructions. 能够遵循书面和口头指示。· Ability to work with small groups of students carrying out specific tasks or on field trips etc. 能够与小组学生一起完成特定任务或实地考察等。· Ability to make straightforward decisions on when to refer queries/problems to another member of staff.能够直接决定何时将查询/问题提交给另一名员工。· Ability to manage students’ behaviour on the bus journey and deal with emergency and other unforeseen situation. 能够管理学生在校车上的行为,处理紧急情况和其他不可预见的情况。· Use of keyboard and mouse may be required if supporting students using IT equipment · Use of paper cutter, craft knives, glue guns etc when displaying work or helping pupils in practical lessons.如果支持学生使用IT设备,则可能需要使用键盘和鼠标。·在展示作品或在实践课上帮助学生时,使用切纸机、工艺刀、胶水枪等。
海口市琼山区英雅学校(简称YSPS)扎根琼州、融通中外、⽴⾜时代,2022年经海南省教育厅引进,由海南盛丰教育集团与千年名校英国盛彼德学校(始建于公元627年)合作办学,成立一所集幼⼉园、⼩学、初中、⾼中为⼀体的多元通道新⽣态国际化学校-英雅盛彼德学校。学校位于海口市琼山区,总占地面积342亩,建筑面积29万平方米,拥有400亩户外探究实践基地,总投资约14亿元。学校于2023年9⽉1⽇正式开学。 校园设施丰富,功能齐全,学校设置室外高尔夫练习场、室外400米塑胶跑道和足球场,1个300米塑胶跑道和足球场、5片室外网球场、10片室外篮球场、2片室外排球场、2个室内多功能球场(篮球、排球共用及篮球、3片羽毛球共用场)、一个25米8道游泳馆、1个千人剧场、1栋三层图书馆、1个健身房、1个攀岩馆、1个击剑室、1个射箭馆、2个学生餐厅。 为2-18岁中外籍学生提供优质双语课程,旨在培养学⽣的创新能⼒、综合素质和国际视野,并帮助他们成为具有全球视野的领袖型⼈才。 幼⼉园:遵循主题式探究学习原则,创设中⻄融合学前教育课程,根据英国早期教育⼤纲 EYFS 七⼤领域对学⽣⽣成观察和总结性评估,制定适合孩子的发展计划和成⻓档案。 义务教育阶段:提供国家义务教育课程和优质国际化融合课程,最⼤限度地获得中⻄⽂化的交融和中⻄⽅教育⽅式的优势互补,培养学⽣的学术能力以及超强的组织、领导、协调和交往能⼒。 国际⾼中:提供全球⼴受认可的 IGCSE&A-Level 课程,辅以个性化的、专业的升学指导,打造多元出海⼝,满⾜美国、英国、澳洲、加拿⼤等世界名校中不同专业升学的需求。 普通高中:提供国家普通高中课程,辅以国内升学指导课程及丰富的课外课程,满足国内升学的需求。