Job De****ionDepartment of Social Sciences (DSS) and in particular its Globalisation and Development (GAD) Programme now invite candidates for an Assistant Instructor position expected to be filled by the end of October 2024. The successful candidate will be asked to:1. Provide general administrative support2. Assist teachers in course management and delivery3. Actively contribute to promotion, student recruitment, and outreach activities4. Fulfill other duties as assigned by the Department or the Faculty.Job Requirement1. Applicants should ideally possess a master’s degree and/or relevant experience in the broad fields of: international relations global affairs human geography development studies sustainability2. Excellent oral and written communication skills in both English and Chinese3. Evidence of good critical thinking, organizational, and communication skills4. Proficiency with MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) additional digital skills would be an advantage5. Ability to work well under pressure, on multiple tasks and within an international environment.
北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院(中文简称“北师港浸大”,英文简称“UIC”)由北京师范大学和香港浸会大学于广东省珠海市携手创立,获得国家教育部特批。 北师港浸大获国家教育部、广东省教育厅、珠海市政府及各界大力支持,全体师生在前全国人大常委会副委员长暨校董会主席许嘉璐教授的领导下,秉承全人教育办学理念,创新地推行博雅教育、四维教育及国际化办学模式。 自2005年成立至今,北师港浸大已发展成为一所拥有独特教育理念的国际化大学,设有工商管理学部、文化与创意学部、人文与社会科学学部及理工科技学部四个学部,下设二十三个专业方向。北师港浸大拥有一支来自30多个国家和地区的优秀师资队伍,实施全英文教学,本科毕业生学成后获颁北师港浸大毕业证书和香港浸会大学学士学位,在国内、香港及国际范围均获认可。2016-2017学年,北师港浸大获教育部批准开展研究生教育。2017年,北师港浸大建立研究生院,开设研究型硕士、博士专业课程及授课型硕士专业课程,毕业生获颁香港浸会大学学位证书。