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广州市 | 本科 | 1年以下

招聘人数:1 人

关键职责:1. 负责学校各类宣传策划文案的撰写和编辑,如微博、小红书、视频号等平台的内容输出,根据学校营销策略,策划创意,撰写文案,发布高质量内容,提供学校知名度和用户粘性;2. 负责项目各类对外宣传软文拟写,大型活动软文宣传拟写、公众号推文拟写、排版设计;3. 捕捉行业行业热点,编辑产出优质内容,通过有效运营手段提升学校平排知名度和品牌形象;4. 协助进行资源分析与市场调研,对市场推广数据和信息进行汇总、整理、分析并及时跟进反馈,提出创新方法,撰写相关专项报告;5. 协助市场部寻找和开拓有效推广渠道,进行学校品牌对外宣传、咨询及合作,加强与目标客户的联系沟通,提高学校品牌知名度;6. 协助完成各项市场外部活动和学校内部活动的策划、筹备、实施和运作;包括但不限于:统筹和开展每周的家长宣讲会或者家长工作坊活动制定活动执行流程和进度表,协调各部门执行活动分项;活动物资的整理与准备,活动前和活动现场的人员安排与事项跟进;7. 按规定完成上级领导交办的其他工作任务。任职要求:1. 本科学历, 设计, 新闻,中文,英语相关专业, 有广告公司或自媒体相关工作经验者优先考虑;2. 2年以上文案撰写经验以上(微信公众号,微博等), 熟悉网络化表达方式;3. 中英文文案写作能力优秀,英语口语熟练,能流利进行英语交流对话;4. 以服务为导向,能够快速学习,动手能力强,做事积极,注重细节;5. 具有优秀的沟通和人际交往能力,结合团队精神与跨文化意识;6. 有敏锐的洞察力和判断能力,能够迅速应对处理突发事件。

学历要求:本科 工作经验:1年以下
年龄要求:不限 性别要求:不限
公司性质:其它 公司规模:100-499人

ISA International School- Science City, will be a premium international K-12 day and boarding school servicing the diverse needs of families. We will be a school committed to outstanding learning opportunities, delivered in an international learning environment in China. This environment will ensure that access to curriculum and additional programmes is provided to all enrolled students and that these offerings are globally recognised, supporting international mobility. By fusing international and Chinese educational thinking, practices and traditions, ISASC will create a new model of high-quality education which prepares students for life-long learning, and a rich and self-fulfilling future. Our beliefs shape the way we function as a school. We expect all staff to have the following qualities: A clear passion for children and working with them A commitment to a child’s education beyond the classroomProactively integrating cultural diversity in the workplaceTreating all members of our school community with respect, honesty and integrityISA Science City Vision StatementTo be the acknowledged leader of excellence in international education.ISA Science City Mission StatementWe commit to providing outstanding learning opportunities, through an environment of mutual respect, transparency and engagement.A Balanced ISA Education EmphasisesA Holistic Approach: We focus on the ‘whole child’- intellectual, physical, emotional and social development.Lifelong Learning: We focus on student motivation, individual differences, learner-centered approaches, metacognition and student well-being.Global Mindedness and Connections: We focus on learning English, Chinese and Mother-tongue languages, appreciating the values beneath cultures of others.Building of Community: We focus on positive relationships between the school and parents ensuring as close an alignment as possible between the values of parents and the strategic intent and operation of the school.