Job Duties:1.The main duty of the ‘Assistant/Junior Counselor’ at TISR is to assist the ‘Head of University Counseling’ with the following counseling-related work, proving professional and sound counseling support for students and parents: a)Keeping a track of and assisting with the running of students’ activities and school-scale events, by working with CAS coordinator and responsible staff of other activitiesb)Follow up with extramural organizations regarding the outsourced service and collaboration activities, e,g. language training companies, activity companies, etc. c)Communication with parents: translating counseling documents for parents, making appointments, etc.d)Reception arrangements for the visits of university admissions officers and of university studentse)Management and update of the ‘counseling’ session of school Wechat accountf)Communication and collaboration with other departments, particularly teachers, regarding student work.g)Other relevant work as required.2.The professional development path for the ‘Assistant Counselor’ is striving to become an independent university guidance counselor, being able to:a)Guide students through the entire application process, including application, visa arrangement, interviews, etc.b)Conduct workshops, lectures and design counseling activities.Qualifications:1.Proficient English, particularly English writing abilities 2.Excellent organization skills, including the organization of tasks, time, resources, challenges and so forth3.A team worker as well as an independent learner4.A heart for education and a hard worker5.Basic understanding of foreign universities and culture, and willingness to excel in it. 6.Overseas education **** would be a plus.
苏州国际外语学校(简称“苏国外”)创办于1995年, 是苏州市第一所全日制、寄宿制民办学校,隶属于苏州良士集团(简称“集团”)。 苏国外坐落在美丽的苏州阳澄湖畔,学校始终坚持以“育一流人才、办一流学校、做一流贡献”为使命,以“卓尔不群、光而不耀”为校训,实施全面素质教育,尊重学生个性,重视学生兴趣特长培训;重视英语和科技创新教育;重视学生创造力、领导力培养,致力于将学生培养成为既有本土情怀,又有国际视野的未来人才。