OutlineThe King's School Shenzhen International will open its new international campus this Autumn, educating students from Grade 1-12 (UK Years 2-13) . The school is based on its close relationship with The King's School Canterbury, Europe's oldest school and one of the most prestigious schools in England.We adopt a genuine 'whole-child' philosophy throughout the school, focusing upon challenging young people through curriculum breadth and depth, with a high degree of active and creative learning, and a wide-ranging co-curricular programme, all supported by pastoral care.All teachers, whether Chinese or international, are expected to contribute to all aspects of a student's development.Although we are an international school, most of our students are of Chinese **** and we are determined to ensure that they have a full and rigorous exposure to Chinese language learning alongside Chinese culture and traditions. Therefore, throughout Grades 1-8, we follow Chinese national curriculum guidelines as closely as possible. Our non-Chinese students will also be expected to learn Chinese language and culture, albeit at a different level.Our senior school programme (Grades 9-12) focuses upon preparation for IGCSE and from 2023 International A Levels. We shall offer the following courses to Chinese and international students:IGCSE, Chinese as a first language or Chinese as a Foreign Language Chinese Language (AS Level)Chinese (A Level only)Applicants do not necessarily have to be able to teach the whole range from Grades 1-12, but should clearly stipulate in the application where their preferences and skills lie.School Life and RoutinesAll teachers have shared responsibility for smooth daily running of the School as an entity - and for maintaining the general ethos, routine and pedagogy in line with the King’s School’s Aims and Ethos – as directed within reason by the Prep School Head and the Executive Principal.In so doing, they should:ensure that the School’s rules and policies are maintainedattend School meetings and public eventssupport co-curricular events and activities Safeguarding, Student Welfare and Pastoral CareAll teachers:must ensure that they are fully aware of policies and practices with regard to safeguarding and student welfaremust ensure that they adhere to the published systemsmust be role models to all students at all timesmust be prepared to do pastoral, tutorial work as designated by school leadership The RoleTo teach Chinese language, literature and culture preparing and delivering lessons and activities as directed by the Deputy Head (Academic) and ensuring that King's curriculum requirements are met:1.monitoring behaviour and ensuring an atmosphere of mutual respect in the class2.monitoring pupil progress and assessing work3.writing reports and meeting parents as required4.ensuring that the class attendance register is accurately and efficiently kept5.supervising play and lunch sessions as directedTo ensure that the pupils’ welfare is prioritised at all time:1.being a member of one of the School’s Houses and supporting that House in arranged activities2.ensuring that the school's safeguarding policy and procedures are met3.communicating with the SLT and parents as required4.to carry out weekly boarding duties responsibly and full in line with the School's expectations and policyTo contribute to the School's co-curricular provision in the form of activities, clubs, etc., such as:1.sport2.arts3.academic enrichment4.outdoor pursuitsTo do other appropriate duties as directed by the School’s Leadership Team, such as:1.co-operating with marketing and admissions2.attending staff meetings, in-service training, etc.3.attending whole school events such as Foundation Day4.serving on school committeesQualificationsLicensed Chinese language teacher status in China with an undergraduate degree in Chinese language and literature, or related majors.Master's degree in Chinese preferred.Native Chinese speaker and a high command of English, fully proficient in delivering content in either Chinese or English.Mastery of the Chinese national curriculum and an in-depth understanding of IGCSE/A level curriculum requirements.Experience of teaching internationally or in international schools is an advantage.Familiar with an inquiry-based approach to teaching.At least 3 years of full-time documented Chinese teaching experience, preferably in international schools running IGCSEs and A levels.Capable of teaching booth native Chinese speakers and students with little experience in Chinese.Experience of delivering Chinese related clubs, activities and external competitions is an advantage.A team-p**** who proactively contributes to co-planning and development.
深圳南山国王学校隶属深圳市谨思教育管理有限公司旗下知名品牌,英国国王学校始建于公元597年,坐落在英国肯特郡坎特伯雷大教堂区域,是一间集寄宿与走读于一体的历史名校。高中部学生年龄为13到18岁,寄宿生占80%。幼儿园及小学部学生年龄为3到13岁,位于周边的近郊。今年9月,英国国王学校在坎特伯雷新办的一所国际学院即将开学。坎特伯雷海外分校也即将于2019年9月在中国深圳开学。英国国王学校一直致力为所有学生提供优质的全人教育,不仅培养学生出类拔萃的学术水准,同时为学生提供丰富多彩的课外活动。此外,英国国王学校学生还能享受辅导与关怀的个人支持。学校的音乐和戏剧课程由来已久,因其在艺术上造诣极高,在英国享有盛名。每年举办的英国国王学校艺术周,即年度创意艺术表演节,更是吸引了成千上万游客到访。深圳国王国际学校将为1,350名学生提供K1至K12的国际化教育。整体课程设计和教学理念将体现英国国王学校特色并兼具中国本土的文化,以中英融合教育培养全球化人才。英国国王学校将协同合作伙伴弘志教育,督导学科建设。深圳分校由英国设计公司W****s & Cohen与深圳恒裕集团联手倾力打造。幼儿园将于2019年9月正式开学,其余校部将在2022年开学。