Requirements职位要求:1.At least two years’ work experience as a Music Teacher至少两年的音乐教师工作经验;2.Bachelor’s degree in a Music related field.音乐相关领域本科及以上学历。Responsibilities工作职责:1.Deliver a full PYP music curriculum (including the Chinese National Curriculum) to students across the PYP向所有小学部的学生提供完整的小学音乐课程(包括中国国家课程);2.Incorporate a plethora of classroom activities and musical skills, including performance, composition, listening and reflecting融入多元的课堂活动和音乐技能,包括表演、作曲、听力和反思;3.Model lifelong learning and a lifelong love of music to students and colleagues为学生和同事树立终身学习和终身热爱音乐的榜样;4.Encourage strong student engagement, agency and performance through music education within the PYP ****work通过PYP框架内的音乐教育,鼓励学生积极参与、参与和表现;5.Provide individual and small-group instruction and to accommodate a variety of instructional activities提供个人和小组教学,并适应各种教学活动;6.Instruct students in proper care and use of tools and equipment指导学生正确护理和使用工具和设备;7.Organize storage areas and control use of materials, equipment and tools to prevent loss or abuse, and to minimize time required for distribution and collection合理使用存储空间、材料、设备和工具,以防止丢失或滥用,并尽量减少分发和收集所需的时间;8.****uate each student’s performance and growth in knowledge and musical understandings, and prepare progress reports评估每个学生在知识和音乐理解方面的表现和成长,并编写进度报告;9.Systematically maintain each student’s work(s) by means of a portfolio or journal通过档案袋或日志系统地维护每个学生的作品;10.Collaboratively plan and present performances designed to exhibit students’ learning for the school and the community合作策划和呈现旨在展示学生在学校和社区学习的表演;11.Maintain professional collaborations with teachers in the department与部门内教师保持专业合作;12.Maintain professional inter****s with all members of OCAC与OCAC所有教职员工保持专业互动;13.Maintain professional competence through in-service training provided by the school通过学校提供的在职培训保持专业能力;14.Communicate with homeroom teachers, parents and the Student Support Team on pupil progress与班主任、家长和学生支持团队就学生进步进行沟通;15.Participate in curriculum and other developmental programs, such as after school art club参与课程和其他发展项目,如课后艺术俱乐部;16.Lesson preparation, marking, report writing, and all other administration related to the teaching of the subject(s)备课、阅卷、报告撰写以及与学科教学相关的所有其他管理;17.Be able to demonstrate, as a minimum, proficiency in playing one musical instrument至少能够熟练地演奏一种乐器;18.Perform any other duties as may be assigned by the Primary Leadership Team.履行小学部领导团队可能指派的任何其他职责。
为了更好地满足海外归国就业人才子女接受国际化教育的需求,在苏州工业园区管委会支持下,中锐教育集团和中新集团合作创办了苏州工业园区海归人才子女学校(Overseas Chinese Academy Suzhou,简称OCAS).这是首家为海归人才子女、华裔华侨子女以及有意愿接受国际教育的中国学生而特别打造的学校。