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Senior Scoring Analyst / 高级数据分




北京市 | 本科 | 1-3年

工作地点:北京市 所属部门:Decision Analyt
职位类别:信贷管理/资信评估 招聘人数:1 人
汇报对象:Sr. / Analytics

Role Responsibilities:

•Perform BASEL II IRB credit risk related analytics independently, which may include data cleaning/processing, credit risk model development, risk parameter modeling, core/advanced application, etc.
•Provide technical assistance to team members and conduct quality check when necessary.
•Prepare project related documents in Chinese or English.
•Conduct R&D with the aim of creating custom analytics solution and tackling technical issues.
•Support marketing analytics for various industries, both AP and North America.


•2 to 3 years’ analytical experiences in Retail Banking, Telecommunications, Insurance or other related industries. Data mining and Basel II IRB development experiences are preferred.
•Bachelor degree in a quantitative discipline such as Statistics, Econometrics, Operations Research or Mathematics. Master’s degree is preferred.
•Familiar with programming in one, or more statistical software such as SAS, S-plus, R, SPSS. Certified programmer will be a plus.
•Proven ability to support the design and execution of custom analytic solutions.
•Capable of not only performing analytical work independently, but also reviewing junior analysts work, monitoring project progress, and providing update to team leader.
•Ability to communicate fluently verbally and in written English. Second foreign language is preferred: Japanese or Korean

学历要求:本科 工作经验:1-3年
年龄要求:不限 性别要求:不限
语言要求:普通话,英语 专业要求:统计,应用数学,金融工程
公司性质:其它 公司规模:100-499人

益博睿集团(Experian) 是全球最大的个人征信服务、市场营销服务,零售风险管理与巴塞尔 II咨询服务提供商。公司在伦敦证券交易所 (EXPN) 上市,是FT100 指数的成份股之一。集团总部位于爱尔兰首都都柏林,两个营运总部分别设于美国加州的哥斯达美萨和英国的诺丁汉。益博睿在全球 40 个国家拥有 15,000 余名员工,为遍布 90多个国家的机构客户提供服务。

截至2010年3月的财政年度,益博睿的销售额超过42亿美元,盈利 超过10亿美元,充分说明益博睿在全球市场的领导地位。目前,益博睿的业务遍布美洲、欧洲、非洲及亚太地区。益博睿依托丰富的全球经验和先进的专业技术,协助企业机构和消费者做出明智决策,有效管理其商业及财务风险,并帮助其在商业活动中获得更大的利润回报。
