1. QMS set up/ maintenance and continuous improvement
Coordinate with relevant departments and global quality department, ensure the QMS process is defined and implemented and maintained with continuous improvements
1.1 Take the role of Document control officer
- To review and approve the documents to ensure the documents requirements compliance with global & international and local requirements.
- To release the documents and ensure the documents released and implemented.
- To maintain the local overview of QMS documents.
- To provide GDP trainings.
1.2 Take the role of QMS Training officer
- To implement the training concept according to global and local requirements, eg, ISO 13485,FDA QSR, Chinese GMP.
- To train admins on training tool.
- To maintain data together with admins to update trainings matrix in case of revisions.
- To analyze training status for improvement, to monitor KPIs / data analysis.
1.3 Be responsible for Audit
- To plan/organize/coordinate the internal and external audit and un-announced audit.
- To conduct the internal QMS check/review to ensure the QMS is implemented in efficiency way and on right track.
- To follow up the audit findings are closed with proper root cause and s as CAPA process.
1.4 Take the role of CAPA officer for continuous improvements
- To ensure local implementation of the global CAPA system according to regulatory requirements.
- To review and approve CAPA and MIR Reports.
- To train employees on CAPA topics (RCA,…) if needed.
- To implement and to moderate workshops to achieve improvement if needed in regards to corrective and preventive s.
- To analyze CAPA status, to monitor KPIs and perform data analysis (QIT, MRB, KPIs,….)
- To work on global CAPA checks.
- To maintain local CAPA and MIR log
1.5To provide the support on new/revised process/equipment/software) for whole QMS scope, SCM/CRM/PLM
- To coordinate the risk assessment for the new/revised process/equipment/software
- To review the assessment and documentation, eg, FMEA, Validation, NPI process, DMR/DHR, ECR change process, supplier management process, etc.
- To ensure the new/changes meet regulatory requirement
1. 质量管理系统的建立和实施及维护改进
- 审批文件确保文件内容符合国际本地及集团要求。
- 发布文件并确保文件被执行。
- 维护本地文件清单。
- 提供良好文档规范的培训。
1.2 QMS培训
- 根部集团和本地要求(如ISO 13485/9001, FDA QSR, 中国GMP)执行培训方案。
- 针对培训管理员,提供培训工具的培训。
- 与管理员一起维护数据,并更新培训需求表。
- 监控KPI,分析培训状态并采取措施。
1.3 审核
- 计划/组织/协调内审/外审及飞行检查。
- 执行内部检查/审查以确保体系的正常有效运行。.
- 跟踪所有审核发现按CAPA流程找到合适的原因制定措施直到关闭。
1.4 持续改进
- 确保集团CAPA体系在本地很好的执行。
- 审批CAPA及MIR报告。
- 如需要,培训员工CAPA知识(如根本原因等)。
- 组织协调CAPA workshop。
- 监视KPI(QIT, MRB, KPIs,….)分析CPAA 状态
- 维护本地CAPA and MIR清单。
- 协调新/变化(工艺、设备、软件)的风险评估
- 审查风险评估文档,如FMEA.确认,NPI, DMR/DHR, 变更管理,供应商管理等。
- 确保所有新/变化符合法规要求。
2. QMS and RA(Regulatory Affairs)
- Retrieve the latest new/revised regulatory and standards
- Keep communication with CFDA and local government to share the latest updates to local management and global quality department, and coordinate for implementation
- To assist for regulatory affairs handling, eg, manufacturing license, and product registration, etc.
2. 质量管理体系和法律法规
- 及时获取新/更新的法律法规
- 与食品药品监督管理局等相关政府部门保持密切联系,将质量管理体系标准和法律法规的更新情况及时汇报给苏州管理层及集团质量部门,并协调在公司内实施。
- 处理或者协助处理与助听器有关的医疗器械法规(国内和国外)事宜,例如:生产许可证和产品注册证等。
3. Promotion of quality and RA awareness
To share and promote the quality and RA awareness to ensure the regulatory compliance and customer satisf improvements.
3. 质量和法律法规意识的提升
1. University graduates or above in Mechanical Engineering, Electronic Engineering or their equivalent At least 5 years working experience with a joint-venture or wholly foreign owned company.
1. 大学本科或以上学历,主修机械或电子工程或相关专业;五年以上在合资或外商独资企业的工作经验
2. At least 5 years experience on quality management familiar with ISO9001/13485,lead auditor is preferred.
2. 五年以上质量管理体系工作经历,有着丰富的ISO9001/13485经验,最好持有国家主任审核员资格证书;
3. Good communication skill and fluent in English.
3. 良好的英语水平和沟通能力。
公司主要生产经营西门子品牌助听器,同时拥有若干其他品牌。公司拥有强大的研发创新能力,其助听器产品以先进的技术、优良的品质、完善的售后服务屹立世界助听器市场前列,同时也始终保持中国助听器销售量及市场占有率领先的地位。在追求最佳绩效的同时,我们始终坚持秉承最高的道德标准。公司多次荣获江苏省、苏州市及园区政府颁发的“诚信优秀企业”“劳动关系和谐企业”“就业促进先进企业”等荣誉称号,建立环境健康安全(EHS)管理体系,通过ISO 14001和OHSAS 18001认证。公司一直积极参与各项社会公益活动,为中国的听力康复事业做出重要贡献。