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SHL FIN Sr. RIC Consultant 301




上海市 | 本科 | 3-5年

工作地点:上海市 所属部门:SHL西门子医疗系统有限公司
职位类别:财务分析 招聘人数:1 人

We at Siemens HealthineersTM are committed to helping healthcare globally to successd in todays dynamic enviorment. We are inspired to transform the way things are done - because we want what is best for our people, our customers and ultimately the health of mankind. While we are invested in enginereing excellence - leading-edge medical technologies and services, we dont stop there. Were also deeply invested in our 46,000 people with the hearts of pioneers and minds of engineers, highly committed and connected in this industry. And as we strive to shape the future of healthcare, our overall success will depend on our ability to continuously reinvent ourselves.

If you are ambitious and change makes you thrive, help transform Siemens Healthineers into a learning organization.

1.Supporting the ARE management with the full R/IC/ implementation & the internal control environment, leading quarterly internal Certification process in the ARE, Performing R/IC/ reporting process and sign-off the I-C-C prior to the ARE deadline, supporting the ARE management with R/IC/ perspectives in the specific risk areas, responsibility for implementation on local management level.
2.Responsibility to imAplement and closely monitor R/IC/ methodology (e.g. PCMP updates, HC Guidance, harmonized controls), responsibility for local account scoping process if applicable, adherence to R/IC/ timeline, responsibility to check reports of other assurance providers regarding Deficiencies in alignment with CRC (if required), perform local ICM validation, challenge local Deficiencies, performance of local Fraud Risk Assessments.
3.Providing trainings of R/IC/ methodology / updates / timeline to CRCs and IAs if necessary, monitoring ARE R/IC/ Tool User roles, review of user inventory, escalating R/IC/ Tool related issues to the regional Hub Power User role.
4.Participating in trainings & information sessions within HC R/IC/ community, understanding local internal control process, providing local training to meet HC R/IC/ standards, ensuring timely completion of R/IC/ related mandatory web-based trainings (CRC, IAs, ICM).
5.Supporting the local function responsible for the implementation of all Circulars, MOR and Guidelines, escalating issues to the Governance Owners and the regional RIC Hub.
6.Perform quality checks of loclal guidelines before announcement and support the definition and set-up of authorizations rules.

This position may suit you best, if building learning organizations is your expertise and you have extensive experience with Top Management Learning and Leadership Development.

•4 or more years experience in designing and/or testing of internal financial controls
•At least 3 busy seasons with Big 4 audit firm
•Strong accounting know-how (IFRS/PRC GAAP), CPA preferred
•Fluent in Chinese and English (read, write & speak)

学历要求:本科 工作经验:3-5年
年龄要求:不限 性别要求:不限
语言要求:普通话 专业要求:不限
公司性质:其它 公司规模:10000人以上




