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昌平区 | 本科 | 5-10年

工作地点:昌平区 所属部门:Manufacture
职位类别:生产计划 招聘人数:1 人


The (Mfg) Manager Planning/Buying is responsible for: 计划部经理负责:
1.Developing and owning the Manufacturing Planning/Buying Strategy and effectively deploying within the department and Defining, Leading and Developing the Annual Tactic Plan 计划部发展战略和年度计划的制定和有效实施
2.Setting up, deploying, delivering, measuring and analysing Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and taking corrective s建立、实施、实现、评估和分析关键绩效指标并采取纠正预防措施
3.Delivering on the promise given towards the customer under competitive terms, respecting and securing quality and regulatory requirements and being agile and responsive on changes on the promise 实现富有竞争力的客户承诺同时满足质量法规要求,快速响应客户需求的变化
4.Raising an achievable Supply plan into the S&OP plan (Sales and Operations Planning) 在销售和运营计划中提出可实现的供货计划
5.The day to day activities within Planning/Buying department to ensure material supply meets agreed Manufacturing output (either by master scheduling, by forecasts or by stock level maintenance), to achieve agreed service levels and delivery dates and it is according to agreed supply in Budget/Forecast/S&OP 计划部日常工作,保证物料供应满足生产产出要求(主生产计划、预测、或者库存水平维护)。按照预算/预测/销售和运营计划确定的供应计划实现产品按时发货和服务水平
6.Maintaining inventory levels for manufacturing within designated warehouses within the Product Supply Centre (PSC) to agreed targets 维护PSC目标仓库中生产所需的库存水平满足确定的目标
7.Monitoring and helping improve material supply chain processes for designated PSC 监控并帮助目标PSC提高物料供应链流程
8.Managing the input of new products and parts into the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system where it affects Manufacturing for PSC 管理影响PSC生产的新产品和零部件在ERP系统中的建立
9.Managing department capacity (incl. staff performance, recruitment and training) and utilising resources in a cost effective and efficient manner (labour, material, working capital and all other resources within agreed budgets) 管理部门工作(包括员工绩效、招聘和培训)并高效利用资源(人力、物资、资金和所有其他资源在预算内)
10.Executing the authority to take decisions for department Planning/Buying 作为计划部负责人做出决定

•Bachelor degree in Business Studies or equivalent combination of education and work experience is essential至少经营管理方面的本科学历或者同等教育和经历的结合
•Extensive business experience with a focus on manufacturing in an advanced technology/industrial environment with high demands on quality essential具备在高端技术工业对质量要求较高的生产环境中丰富的业务管理经历
•Track record of (change) management experience in an international environment with cross culture/ management is desirable 应具备在跨文化/跨区域的国际环境的(变革)管理经验记录
•Experience of production scheduling and planning using ERP systems essential 必须具备使用ERP系统管理生产计划和物料计划的经历
•Understanding the business environment and outlining where it impacts on Supply Chain Planning preferred 了解商业环境并能识别哪些会对供应链计划产生影响者优先
•Understanding of Lean Manufacturing and continuous improvement principles preferred 了解精益生产和持续改善原则的优先
•Have strong interest in strategic planning and execution is desirable 对战略计划和执行具有浓厚兴趣
•Able to use quality tools such as A3 planning, fishbone diagrams and statistical analysis provide information to drive and influence change within Manufacturing 可以使用A3计划、鱼骨图、和统计分析等质量工具提供的信息在生产部门推动和影响变革
•A strong communicator able to drive ideas through others and having a high standard of interpersonal skills 很强的沟通和人际交往技能以了解他人的主意和想法
•An “out of the box” thinker that will challenge the status quo and drive for continuous improvement创造性思维,不满足于现状并且推动持续改善
•Ability to adapt and respond quickly to changing priorities对于优先级别的变化能够快速适应并作出响应
•Fluent in English and local language熟练使用英语和汉语
•High standard of interpersonal skills 很强的人际交往技能
•Demonstrates Drive and Commitment – Pro-active, business and results oriented, enthusiastic and self-starting 工作主动、敬业 - 积极、注重业绩和结果、有热情、有主动性
•Focus on Internal and External Customers – Customer oriented, solution provider关注内部和外部客户 - 关注客户,能提供解决方案
•Manages all Resources Well –Responsible, resourceful, cost conscious, revenue and profit oriented 有效管理资源 - 有责任心,善思考,有节约意识,注重收入和利润

学历要求:本科 工作经验:5-10年
年龄要求:不限 性别要求:不限
语言要求:普通话 专业要求:不限
公司性质:其它 公司规模:500-999人

About Elekta you can refer to www.elekta.com or www.elekta.cn

医科达创立于1972年,由瑞典卡罗林斯卡研究所已故的神经外科教授Lars Leksell创建成立。医科达总部设在瑞典斯德哥尔摩,并在斯德哥尔摩证交所上市(股票EKTAB)。医科达在肿瘤学、神经外科以及相关网络软件方面的解决方案已应用于全球5000多家医院,每天为超过10万名患者提供诊断和治疗服务。


