Distributed file systems and storage technologies (HDFS, Cassandra, Hive)
Large-scale distributed data analytic platforms and compute environments (Spark, Map/Reduce)
Tools for semantic reasoning and ontological data normalization (RDF, SPARQL)
A hands-on engineering position responsible for supporting client engagements for Big Data engineering and planning
The core areas of big data, real time analytics and large-scale data processing
A solid platform for you to drive the engineering/design decisions needed to achieve cost-effective and high performance result
A formal background and validated experience in engineering, mathematics and computer science
Knowledge of Data Concepts (ETL, near-/real-time streaming, data structures, metadata and workflow management)
Experience creating real time data store and analytics use cases(Kafka, Storm).
Strong understanding of big data infrastructure, including storage, processing and networking configuration
Hands on Programming / Scripting Experience ( Java, Scala, R, Python)
Experience on any IoT platform like Axeda, Thingworx, AWS or similar
DevOps Tools ( Docker, Jenkins)
Linux / Windows (Command line). An understanding of Unix/Linux including system administration and shell scripting
Experience in designing and developing cutting edge Analytic applications leveraging Big Data technologies: Hadoop, NoSQL, and In-memory Data Grids.
Experience working in an agile environment designing and modeling data flows using modeling tools.
Strong communication skills and the confidence to present deep technical findings to a business audience
源讯是全球数字化变革领导者,年收入约120亿欧元,在72个国家和地区拥有 100,000名员工。源讯作为欧洲大数据、网络安全和数字化平台的领先者,为遍布全球的客户提供云服务、基础设施建设及数字化管理、商业及平台解决方案,并通过欧洲支付和交易服务领导者 Worldline 提供交易服务。凭借尖端科技、数字化专长和行业知识,源讯服务于各行业客户,包括制造、医疗、传媒和公用事业部门、公共部门、零售、电信和运输、国防、金融服务等。源讯是奥运会和残奥会全球信息技术合作伙伴,并在巴黎欧洲交易所主板上市。源讯旗下的品牌包括Atos、Atos Consulting、Atos Worldgrid、Bull、Canopy、Unify 和 Worldline。