1. 遵循编码规范开发应用程序,根据需求构建单元测试、集成测试和脚本部署
2. 将UI/UX团队提供的设计和样式转换为用户功能界面,确保浏览器兼容和性能的稳定
3. 乐于融入团队,共同讨论解决方案
4. 适应节奏快且敏捷的工作环境
5. 具有自我激励和独立工作的能力
1. 2~5年web前端开发经验,计算机本科或相类似专业
2. HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript或最新前端开发技能经验
3. 具有响应性设计、媒体查询和移动CSS框架的专家知识,如Twitter Bootstrap等
4. 熟悉Angular/React/Vue,或其他流行的JS生态类库框架
5. 精通HTML/CSS,在意细节,布局完美,并关注交互最佳实践体验
6. 可适应Node.js,SASS/LESS的CSS预处理器和类似Git版本控制的开发环境
PricewaterhouseCoopers Information Technologies (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Is the natural extension of our leading-class delivery capabilities. With over 500 offshore-specific software engineers, we support the delivery of technology enabled end-to-end solutions and are fully integrated with PwC’ s global delivery methodology. We provide premium, cost effective, high quality technology services and solutions to our global clients and focused on key horizontal and vertical end-to-end solutions. PwC GDC China has been rated CMMI Level 5by Sept. 2005 and has ISO27001 and ISO20000 Certification.