• Understand deeply on the functionality of application systems.
• Analysis business requirement and understand business processes.
• Document test case.
• Perform system test to verify whether system functionalities are in line with the expectation documented in use case, identify functionality bugs for further improvement.
• Perform stress test to check system performance.
• Document test report in a structured way.
• Document user manual and working instruction for user’s operation.
• Regularly communicate with application development team and business analysts about test result feedback, business requirement clarification, etc..
• Improve test effectiveness and efficiency via optimizing testing methodology.
1.Around 2 – 4 years working experience in web based application area, working experiences in MNC is a plus.(2-4年在web based application 领域的工作经验,有外企工作经验是plus)
2.Around 2 years experience in web based application system test project.(2年左右web based application system 测试项目经验)
3.Good experiences in MS SQL server and web based development such as .Net, C#. (MS SQL& web based 开发如.Net, C#等经验)
4.Excellent oral and written English skills(英语口语,写作熟练)
5.Code experience(需要写代码的经验)
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