Primary Function:
Provide high level administrative support to Shanghai office employees.
Principal Duties & Responsibilities:
Maintain a good image of the front desk area of the office
Receive and welcome office visitors and provide appropriate direction
Receive, direct and relay public inquires, telephone messages
Manage office daily operation and deal with office related issues including but not limited stationary, drinking water, office plants, cleaning service, express delivery, name cards printing, employee on boarding and exit.
Check the bill and do the payment application for office cost including but not limited to office rental, telephone fee, express fee, electricity fee, office supplier fee, etc.
Asst. to select and manage vendors such as hotels, car, visa applications etc.
Support employee events, such as lunch and learn, outing and annual party etc.
Other supporting role as guided by supervisor
Requirements: (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Required Attributes, Education / Experience Requirements:
Bachelor’s degree
More than 2 years’ administration experience in MNC is preferred
Knowledge of standard office and administrative practices and procedures
Positive working attitude and good team work spirit
Quick learner, hard-working and strong sense of responsibility;
Good interpersonal and communication skills
Desire to grow into roles of increasing responsibility
Good English and MS Office skills.
美国巴尔的摩空气盘管公司(Baltimore Aircoil Company) 由John Engalitcheff在1938年创建, 1985年被安施德公司收购。 BAC公司发展至今已成为全球最大的生产蒸发冷却、蓄冰及换热设备的专业公司。其产品广泛运用于商业用户的空调系统、食品和冷冻行业的空调应用、大量的工业过程冷却和电厂设备冷却等方面。BAC目前在全球范围内拥有近二十家全资、合资或是经授权的生产机构。业务范围涉及北美、南美、欧洲、拉丁美洲、亚洲、南非和澳大利亚等地区和国家。BAC的成长绝对算得上是从小型公司逐渐发展壮大成为跨国巨头的成功典型。BAC公司总部座落于霍华德郡,临近美国马里兰州的巴尔的摩市。
BAC公司早在80年代就开始在亚洲市场拓展业务。1997年,BAC公司和中国大连冰山集团共同投资在大连建立合资企业。2007年在大连成立独资企业即BAC冷却系统(大连)有限公司。 2009年和2010年在印度和马来西亚相继成立独资公司。2010年明确亚洲市场的重要性,上海被定义为亚洲运营中心。2011年在江苏昆山成立又一独资企业,即巴尔的摩冷却系统(苏州)有限公司,将独资企业的生产基地由大连迁往昆山。 2016年底,我们在新加坡注册独资公司,全力拓展东南亚市场。