1. 年龄:28至40岁;28-40 years old;
2. 大专或以上学历,建筑或土木工程相关专业College degree or above, Architecture or Geotechnical engineering major;
3. 5-10年的建筑行业工作经验;平屋面、单层屋面工作经验者优先;工程师工作背景者优先;5-10 years work experience in construction industry, flat roofing, foil roofing industry and engineering background is preferred;
4. 熟练运用office等办公软件Familiar with office software,such as Excel, PPT;
5. 性格开朗外向,积极主动,富有强烈的团队合作意识及积极应对能力Good personality, proactive, willing to cooperate with others and take initiatives;
6. 善于沟通Good communication skills;
JD / responsibilities:岗位职责:
1. 参加展会推广公司产品;潜在客户拜访;客户关系维护;参加各类会议等各项销售活动
Attend sales activities, Promote products via exhibition; visit potential customers; relationship; conference, etc;
2. 客户技术支持、反馈及沟通Give feedback about technical modification and any customerized request;
3. 客户跟踪及关系维护Follow and maintain customers.;
4. 订单跟踪及交付工作Follow orders and delivery;
5. 销售资料制作Making sales documentation.
Jual Metal Products is a Sole-foreign owned company in S.I.P., invested by Juelsminde Aluminium Industri A/S (a company duly incorporated in DENMARK) .
Since 1966 JUAL has been in the roof covering industry. Our first products were aluminium profiles used for roof covering. Today it includes roof-steps, roof-outlets, ventilation systems and special assignments. JUAL is exporting to many countries in Europe. We are specialised in ventilation and draining. In addition to the great variety of products within our portfolio we have years of experience in making special assignments for various of applications. Due to the huge experience our customers receive both serious and qualified support.