At ACTIVE Network, we are building solutions for all types of activity organizations helping them automate, simplify and grow their businesses. Our cloud technology powers business events, community programs, parks departments, local attractions, faith-based organizations, sports events, and outdoor activities. We deliver technology that changes the way the world gets active.
But ACTIVE is more than a technology company. It’s a company of passionate people that live to be ACTIVE. We are inspired by our customers. We are fueled by challenge. As a member of the ACTIVE team, you must embrace our exciting work-hard, play-hard environment and bring your passion, dedication and creativity each and every day. ACTIVE’s team members are focused on results and committed to excellence.
Job Brief:
The primary purpose and function of this opening is to guide and support the database development of a high-transaction multi-tiered service oriented OLTP system. The candidate will collaborate with existing DBA’s, architects and developers to design, document, develop, and deploy new functional and non-functional business requirements.
To perform this function, the candidate must have a solid understanding of both physical and logical aspects of database systems and be able to collaborate with software developers to achieve the desired functionality while maintaining database performance, integrity, reporting functionality and overall vision.
The ActiveWorks development team currently uses Microsoft’s SQL Server 2012/2016 for both OLTP and OLAP.
•Work with architects and developers to create effective database designs for non-functional requirements such as performance, security and scalability
•Work with developers and business analysis to create effective database solutions to meet business and functional requirements
•Mentor developers on correct usage of database technologies, best practices, and standards
•Assist in the troubleshooting of database issues in development and production environments
•Help deliver reporting solution and integrate with the existing Active Data Warehouse
•Work closely with North American manager and team members to provide broader support
•Experienced with Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2016 database and applications
•5+ years of experience using SQL Server or other relational database platform
•Strong Database skills including T-SQL, replication, performance tuning, SSRS, SSIS and SSAS
•Strong modeling and documentation skills (knowledge of Embarcadero ER/Studio or Power Designer is a plus)
•Commitment to quality, customer service and teamwork, must be able to excel as a member of a cross-functional team
•Experience in .NET is plus
•Excellent written and verbal communication skills
•Able to communicate in written English is required and able to communicate in spoken English is a plus
•Education Requirements:
•BS in Computer Science, Engineering or related fields is preferred
•Advanced Computer Science degree or equivalent a plus
•Formal training and in relevant database methodologies a plus
•Database certifications is a plus
ACTIVE Network Perks & Benefits
•Great Working Environment
•“5+1” Endowment Insurance; Medical Insurance; Unemployment Insurance; work-related injury insurance and Childbirth Insurance. Housing Accumulation Funds
•Commercial Medical Insurance in addition to the Government’s required medical insurance (family members can be added to account)
•15 Days PTO (Paid Time off) per year in addition to all the public holidays
•Flexible Working Schedules (projects based)
•Monthly Birthday Celebration for Employees
•ACTIVE Kids Day for ACTIVE’s Generation
•Shuttle Bus from Downtown to office Monday through Friday (Xi’an Office Only)
Active Network is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or protected veteran status.
活跃网络(ACTIVE Network™)公司是全球领先的互联网在线产品及服务的软件及解决方案提供商。总部位于美国德克萨斯州的达拉斯市 (Dallas, Texas) 。ACTIVE Network主要服务于体育组织、高等教育机构、社区组织、公益组织和政府机构等领域的协同化商务软件及解决方案。ACTIVE Network提供一体化的技术解决方案、市场服务以及在线媒体平台以激发大众对各种活动和赛事的热情,并帮助他们能够方便的参与其中。
ACTIVE Network公司同时也引进一项技术和市场解决方案来帮助社团和组织管理项目、设施、会员资格、注册、募捐及网页内容。被活跃收购的技术中,其中一项是由Recware作为主导第一次推出的,用于娱乐行业帮助用户进行网上注册。在那项产品之后,活跃又合并了一些在业界处于领导地位的软件提供商,以及一些网上著名机构如ActiveNet (RecNet) 和Class Software, Ltd.。这些收购为公司带来了额外30年的对娱乐和市政管理软件解决方案的经验。2008年,ACTIVE Network收购了美国市场前两位的在线会议管理解决方案提供商WingateWeb和RegOnline,从而一跃在此类市场上也成为了领跑者。
公司设立了全套服务的市场及推广机构 Active Marketing Group , 用来帮助知名商家和活跃客户的交流。
ACTIVE Network企业信息
ACTIVE Network在中国
2005年ACTIVE Network展开了在中国的投资。2005年年底西安成立了第一家中国研究中心——西安活跃网络有限公司。将近3年的运营后,事实证明在中国的投资是一个巨大的成功。
2008年在ACTIVE Network迎来10周年华诞之际,公司决定加大在中国的投资力度,于2008年7月成立了活跃网络(成都)有限公司。
2011年,ACTIVE Network收购上海StarSite。
2014年, ACTIVE Network 总部从加利福尼亚的圣地亚哥市搬迁到德克萨斯州的达拉斯市.
AO100 顶级私人公司奖得主公认的在新兴技术和全球性的商业潜力领导能力。
连续4年,活跃市场营销集团在美国促销机构的促销杂志PROMO 100中排名前50。
Active NetworkInc. Magazine7年在美国500个增长最快的私人企业中榜上有名。
Deloitte & Touche增长最快的技术公司的排名中,Active Network连续3年被称为Fast 500公司。
Active Network2006年赢得了WebAward最佳在线社区,Active Network也赢得了杰出的网站称号。
关于Active Network的一些趣事:
· 2000年7月,Active Network第一次为环法自行车赛提供运动员注册和赛事管理服务。
· Minnesota Twins队的著名投球手Pat Neshek在eteamz上开辟了Blog。事实上更多著名运动员经常参与Active Network的在线论坛,许多国家的奥运队体能教练、营养师以及队医在Active Network的网站上开创Blog并指导业余运动员及体育爱好者进行训练。
· ESPN,Disney的一个分公司,在2006年向Active Network投资2千万美元。不仅仅是Active Network的投资人之一,ESPN还是Active Network最重要的合作伙伴。在ESPN的网站上,有许多Active Network软件及网站的链接。
· Active Network2006年12月收购了CoolRunning,一个在跑步运动方面处于领先地位的网络公司。随着Active Network对此类公司和组织的兼并和收购,Active Network在越来越多的体育项目上占据市场主导地位。
· Active.com 2.0版于2007年7月开始上线。新版的网站更加方便用户查找健康有趣的活动参与,更方便用户在线注册、预订并安全地支付定金和费用,极大促进了Active Network业务量的增加。
· 2008年初,Active收购了美国大型会议管理技术解决方案提供商WingateWeb和RegOnline,从而成为美国最大的会议、会展用户注册、议程管理技术解决方案提供商。
2014 年, ACTIVE 收购了IPICO Sports.
1,285,000 积极参与的注册用户
· 2008年7月,Active.com和eteamz.com一共拥有超过2千1百万注册用户。Active.com达到来自多达 1,285,000用户的1千8百万次的点击率。
· 2008年,Active Network10周年庆。在Active Network,已经有121位员工为Active Network连续服务5年以上了。有些员工20年前就开始为活跃的另外一个前身 —— CLASS 软件公司服务了(2004年Active Network收购了CLASS软件公司)。
· 多年来,骑行上班以及午间游泳逐渐成为扎根于Active Network员工中的企业文化。而现在,Active Network更是拥有了一个员工健身组织——Active X。他们平均每周组织3次活动,大家一起练习长跑、骑自行车和游泳。每次活动大约会有50左右的成员参与。
活跃工作,活跃生活,体验与Active Network 共同成长的乐趣!
* 使用前沿的软件技术;
* 拥有宽容公平的成长机会;
* 可以参与高透明度的软件项目;
我们的目标是找到那些最合适的应聘者!无论是从公司发展前景还是应聘者的发展前景来说,我们的招聘流程都能确保双方达到最大的双赢。我们已经建立了一只由充满激情,奉献精神和十足冲劲的优秀人才组成的团队。我们也为确保双赢提供足够的保障措施和必要的培训项目。 我们提供很多利于团队成长的项目:
1. 面向新员工的项目,其中包括由我们的高级副主席主持的一个重要会议
2. 老员工带新员工的指导项目
3. 为应聘者提供继续受教育支持和更具激励性质的薪资制度
4. 团队专门的培训计划
5. 基于绩效,价值和职业前景评估的业绩考核机制
6. 鉴定和认同领导能力以及项目专家
7. 一个全面的领导发展项目