1. 根据市场部策略策划和执行相应线上活动,独立管理线上项目以及预算控制。
2. 通过与微信、APP以及其他线上平台合作,提升365用户活跃度和品牌知名度。
3. 配合市场部线下活动策划线上品牌的露出。
4. 互联网媒体关系维护,媒体渠道开发与专访等深度合作。
5. 线上合作渠道的开发维护。
1. 大学本科及以上学历
2. 3年以上互相网行业工作经验,有很强的互联网意识和嗅觉
3. 优秀的线上活动策划和执行能力,以及优秀的口头表达和方案能力
4. 有项目管理经验以及较强的组织协调统筹能力,敢于创新敢于挑战
5. 对于新型传播渠道APP,微信等有独到见解
6. 有一定的渠道和媒体资源者优先
Brief Introduction
When Co., Ltd is the earliest and most professional calendar Application software developer in China. Since its establishment in 2008, the company has been devoted to providing top-quality calendar Application software service for individuals and enterprises worldwide. Now the company has owned a series of products with 365 calendar at the core.
As the most professional calendar Application software 365 calendar provides all-platform services through mobile phone (with iOS or Android), PC, Web and other media. It not only meets users’ basic requirements on Gregorian calendar, lunar calendar and perpetual calendar, but also provides practical functions like schedule management and schedule picture by cloud computing data synchronization technology. In 2013, the company launched two innovative functions—public calendar and group calendar, which integrated the life information into the calendar and formed a platform based on the public calendar with functions of building one’s own calendar, group discussion and comment. Now the users of all the 365 calendar platforms have surpassed one hundred million.
Every day, hundreds of millions of people are using our calendar services. Their demands stimulate us to improve the functions of our products and make the most convenient calendar for everyone. With our unremitting and attentive efforts, we hope to enrich everyone’s life and change the world with 365 calendar.