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详细地址:海淀区马甸东路 17 号(马甸桥西北角) 金澳国际写字楼 316 室

Yottaa - A Better Internet for Everyone
• Be part of the team building a new kind of global software company. This is your chance to build something truly special;
• Learn and grow in a cross-culture team environment along with some of the best talent in US and China;
• Position yourself and benefit at the forefront of cloud computing, the next wave of computing. The Yottaa team includes industry visionaries that pioneered semiconductor, Ajax and web 2.0. We are leading the wave again this time in “cloud computing”;
• We have lots of fun along the way, and we offer a competitive compensation package.
Based in Boston and Beijing, Yottaa is a cloud computing company founded in April 2009 with a vision for a better Internet. Funded by top tier investors and led by a team of experienced entrepreneurs, Yottaa aspires to empower a new generation of interactive Internet experience by innovating at the forefront of cloud computing.
US East Office
Yottaa Inc.
2 Canal Park, 5th floor
Cambridge, MA 02141
Phone: (617)418-4540
Beijing Office
中国北京,海淀区马甸东路17号(马甸桥西北角)金澳国际写字楼 316 室 邮编:100029
The Team
Coach Wei, CEO: Coach founded Nexaweb in 2000, where he remains Chairman today. At Nexaweb, he raised over $25M financing and grew the company from zero to profitability with 7500 enterprise deployments. A pioneer in Ajax and Rich Internet application, he received many awards such as Boston “40 under 40” (2007) and “Interactive Experience Award” 2005.
Robert Buffone, CTO. Formerly Chief Architect of Nexaweb, Bob is an expert in web performance and Rich Internet Application. He holds several U.S. patents.
雅塔网络技术(北京)有限公司(http://www.yottaa.com)是一家基于美国波士顿和北京的云计算(Cloud Computing)公司, 由一队著名的企业家创办和领导的:
1. Ray Stata, Chairman: 毕业于美国麻省理工学院,Ray 是全球最成功的企业家之一。他在1965年创办模拟器件公司(Analog Devices),一家25亿美元年收入的半导体公司。他也是美国麻省理工学院的董事,风险投资公司Stata Venture Partners 的创办者, 美国科学院的院士及美国工程院的院士。
2. Coach Wei, CEO:毕业于美国麻省理工学院和清华大学,Coach是Web 2.0,Ajax,福客户端技术的先驱者。他在2000年于美国波士顿创建Nexaweb,于2002年发布全球第一个福客户端技术开发平台。在 Nexaweb,Coach筹集了2500万美元风险投资,把产品带到了全球7500公司,并拿到行业界很多大奖,包括2005年的 “Interactive Experience Award”,2006美国风险投资杂志的“美国40位年轻企业家“和2007年的“波士顿40大杰出年轻人“。他的博客是 http://www.coachwei.com.  

雅塔的团队是一个跨国界跨文化的群体。雅塔在美国波士顿, 美国硅谷以及北京都有办公室。雅塔在建立一种新型的,能够充分吸收不同国家不同文化的长处的世界级的软件公司。
雅塔的理想是一个更好的互联网。在过去的十几年,雅塔的创立者一直是在互联网的最前沿创新。我们认识到互联网的长处, 更是深深的认识到互联网的架构上的缺陷及带给用户的许多问题。我们从云计算的角度通过全新的方式来考虑互联网, 致力于给全球的互联网用户带来新一代的交互体验。

“You can’t play it safe and win”, “The spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship applies not just to business, engineering and science, but to every aspect of work and life”
- Ray Stata, Commencement address at MIT on 6/4/2010
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