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我公司是一家英国独资的项目管理公司,专门从事建筑工程的咨询管理工作。主要针对国外欧美公司在中国的投资建造工业厂房、库房、商场的施工进度与安全管理工作。 服务范围包括前期市场调研,审批,设计,中期承包商资格预审,评估招投标,后期的现场管理。公司现规模230余人,其中外国人40余人。


公司网址: www.sipgroup.com

Shanghai SIP Engineering Consulting Ltd. (SIP) is a privately owned UK company operating solely in China. It was established in 1993 as a specialist engineering and construction project management company; its aim was to support international companies seeking to enter the China market, by helping to procure, build, expand and/or refurbish the buildings or facilities they would need to succeed here, and managing that process from start to finish, ensuring adherence to local regulations and the very best start for Clients’ China operations. Currently the company is headquartered in Shanghai, with supplementary operations in Beijing and Tianjin; it employs a team of 221, 85% of whom are Chinese nationals.

While the world’s largest manufacturing companies (which required factories in China, which could produce products for sale overseas) were the first to benefit from SIP’s expertise, as the China market has grown and developed, so SIP’s service-offering and capabilities have diversified. Recent projects have spanned a gamut of industries - from retail and hospitality, to logistics and pharmaceuticals – and today’s team offers a broad range of services, using real-world experience and perspectives to determine Clients’ China entry strategy. We recognise that no two companies face exactly the same challenges in China, as elsewhere. We therefore provide independent, original problem-solving support, tailoring our approach to each Client’s individual needs, objective and circumstance.

SIP’s skill set has proved invaluable for almost any international company looking to maximise the China opportunity. Current and recent clients include Club Med, Volvo, Nike, Goodman, IKEA, BASE, Dior, Siemens and Michelin; our team has over 260 completed commissions under its belt, and these span a wide range of locations and industry sectors. The SIP team is immensely proud of the contribution it has made in helping its Clients to establish profitable, sustainable enterprises, which benefit not only their stakeholders but also SIP’s staff and the people of China.


邮件地址:lumeiling@sipgroup.com (中英文简历)
邮编: 201103
传真:021-6465 0977

邮编:100027 传真:010-6525 0047