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意大利尤勒贝特是一家集室内外艺术壁材专业研发、设计、销售为一体的跨国公司。产品分为室内外建筑用各类艺术壁材。目前公司主要销售意大利著名天然材料生产厂商Colorificio Veneziano, 装饰艺术壁材生产巨头Spiver公司的产品。公司创始以来已与世界各地相关行业、著名厂商达成多领域的合作。产品进入中国市场后,由于产品在国内行业市场显而易见的品质优势、超想象的艺术效果使得其脱颖而出,在艺术璧材市场中占据着唯一性及稀缺性的独有地位。产品得到了众多专业知名设计师、建筑师、艺术界人士的青睐,在多处高档建筑群落中留下了尤勒贝特其特有的艺术足迹。
Europaint, an international company, supplies not only art paintings but also designings. It sells the interior and exterior decorative art paintings. Now we supply the stone material from Coloriffcio Veneziano and art paintings from Spiver. Both of above two companies come from Italy. Europaint has been partnering with many famous decorative material companies in the world. After entering the Chinese market, because of its high quality and good art effect, Europaint got a large marketing immediately and was recognized by customers and designers.
Europaint is committed to improve the quality of products and of techniques so that it can meet customers’ demand. Due to professional skills and vivid art paintings, we have established a strong foundation for the fast development in the future. We have already taken Beijing and Shanghai as our Chinese centers and will come to spread other neighbor provinces.
The high-speed developing China gives us more opportunities. We are devoted to glorifying and improving the resident environment. Our goal is that make more people enjoy our products to improve their personalized life.
工作地点: 上海市徐汇区宜山路290号时尚建材广场117-119展厅