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金光集团是全球拥有最大油棕榈种植园的跨国企业之一,更是行业内科学整合高端产业链的领先巨擘;Sinarmas 在印尼油棕榈的种植面积超过47万公顷,约相当于7个新加坡的国土面积;

Sinar Mars China Food
As member of GAR( Listed company in Singapore(SGX:E5H)under Sinar Mas Group),the predecessor of Sinar Mars China Food was Zhuhai Hua Feng Food Group which was founded in 1984 as one of the earliest and biggest instant noodle manufacturers. Sinar Mas Group began its food business in China by purchasing Hua Feng Food Group in 1994. Currently, we have 7 production plants and 6 distribution centers in the country.
Mofashi snacking noodle, the super brand under Sinar Mars China Food, is ranked No.1 in China snacking noodle industry with yearly sales over 3.5 Billon packs. In 2014, by integrating “Magic e Family” products portfolio, we launched series of tasty leisure snacks to focus on the preferable taste options of the youth. In the future, we aim to provide China consumers with safe, convenient, nutritious and healthy food as well as the application of advanced food technology and continuous innovation and R&D.

Sinar Mars Group
As one of the Top 500 companies of the world, Sinar Mas Group was previously ranked the largest conglomerate in Indonesia by Forbes magazine.
Sinar Mas Group was founded by Huang Yicong, a famous Chinese Indonesian, in 1962. It has 200,000 employees over the world. The group has investments in Asia, North America, Europe and Australia, with yearly revenue of over USD 40 billion and assets of over USD 30 billion.
The group has expanded its business into six major sectors: Agribusiness and Food Processing, Pulp and Paper, Real Estate, Financial Services, Telecommunications, Energy & Infrastructure.
Sinar Mas Group owns the largest oil palm plantation site with integrated nature of palm oil operations, we manage the oil palm plantation site over 470,000 hectares or about 7 times of Singapore’s size.
The group has invested in China from 1992 and has developed business in multiple areas. Currently, the group has assets of over USD 1 billion in China.
绩效奖金 带薪年假 交通补助 管理规范 技能培训 岗位晋升 五险一金 团队聚餐 扁平管理 弹性工作 旅游 领导好 年底双薪