Cachet Hotel Group (CHG) is a Hong Kong based management company established in May 2013. Chairman Robert Roche initially co-founded the URBN Shanghai in 2008, adhering to a sustainable philosophy and creating the very first carbon-neutral hotel in China. Building on this success, CHG was formed, creating two new hotel brands, r. and Cachet, and taking the URBN brand to the next level. CHG adheres to being a company that “cares” with a corporate mission revolving around innovation, luxury and personalization. With numerous projects in the works, CHG is aiming to establish their first outlets in Greater China, Southeast Asia and India.
Cachet酒店集团(CHG)是一家总部位于香港的国际化公司,于2013年5月成立。主席和联合创始人Robert Roche最初于2008年创办了雅悦酒店,该酒店秉持可持续性发展的理念,创造了中国首个绿色环保零碳化店。集团旗下还包括两个酒店品牌r.酒店和Cachet,同时雅悦品牌也被推向了新的高度。CHG立志于成为一个“关注”的公司,围绕创新、奢华和个性化来实现企业使命。目前,CHG的很多项目正处于筹备阶段,将分别在大中华区、东南亚和印度推出集团位于各地的首家酒店。