1969年,杰佛伦第一个生产用于制造塑料的电子面板工厂在Provaglio d'Iseo(布雷西亚省)成立。从一开始,杰佛伦优异的识别力使之有能力去理解,说明和生产完全符合客户所需的产品。通过长时间的证明,这在制胜战略中起到了举足轻重的作用。70年代,杰佛伦通过Adamello控制器(之后被称为1000模块)奠定了产业基础,并面向意大利及全球市场推广。80年代,公司增加传感器产线并扩大生产,由始至终凭借其高性价比的产品设计基准,迅速成为同类品牌中的领导者。优异的设计,原材料的精挑细选以及高科技的制造方式成为杰佛伦性能及品质的有力担保。1988年,作为公司历史上一个重要的里程碑,杰佛伦以成为全球性公司为目标在米兰证券交易所正式挂牌。
Gefran Group,based in Italy , is a leader in the sector of automation and systems components for industrial process control.In 1969, Gefran’s first workshop was set up in Provaglio d'Iseo (province of Brescia) to produce electric panels for machines used in manufacturing plastics. Right from the start, Gefran’s differentiating strength was its capacity to understand, interpret and produce exactly what its customers needed. This has proved to be a key differentiating and winning strategy over time. In the 1970s, Gefran introduced itself to the Italian and international markets with the creation of the Adamello controller, later called the 1000 model, which set the benchmark for the industry. In the 1980s, the company expanded production to include sensors, and immediately became the leading brand of choice, due to an underlying concept of designing higth level performance and quality into the sensor from the beginning. Gefran’s performance and quality is guaranteed by design, raw material selection and high tech manufacturing.In 1998, a major landmark in the company’s history, Gefran was listed on the Milan stock exchange and announced its intentions to be a world-wide player.
Gefran China was established in 2004,Shanghai .Now, Gefran Group has eight plants in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, the US, Brazil and China, as well as 17 sales offices worldwide.
We are looking forward to your join !
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