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详细地址:虹口区汶水东路351号A 栋309室

Sharvain Technologies Shanghai Co Limited provides solutions for Specialized Glazing & Facade up market projects for Australian market and across the Globe. We are renown in the market place for delivering high quality unique glazing and facade projects which are quickly becoming the facade land mark projects. We have over the past 10 years linked ourselves with leading Chinese manufacturers and suppliers from Shanghai, Tianjin and Guangdong. We have established offices in Sydney (Head Office), Shanghai,Foshan and Hong Kong. We are now seeking exceptional personnel to join our design team to tackle the unique facade projects with us.
总部设立在澳大利亚悉尼市的SHARVAIN FACADES PTY LIMITED成立于1998年,主要承接世界上高难度的异型建筑幕墙设计、加工生产和施工安装工程,目前分别在悉尼、香港、上海、广东等地建立设计师团队,拥有专业建筑幕墙设计及施工人员近百人,拥有自主知识产权的幕墙设计专利和符合国际标准的工程质量安全保障体系,以及节能、绿色环保和抗风阻水防震等诸多世界顶尖建筑幕墙的设计、加工施工经验,并且已经与国内建材加工单位,建立了长达近十年的合作关系,所有产成品全部达到验收合格标准并出口澳洲及世界各地。