索斯沃斯(上海)升降设备有限公司成立于2005年4月,是美国SOUTHWORTH PRODUCTS CORP 在中国投资的唯一的全资子公司,属外商独资企业。公司坐落在美丽的杭州湾北岸:上海奉贤区柘林经济开发区。注册资本800万元,现有员工130人,工厂年生产能力1000万美金,产品约70%出口到美国、澳大利亚、日本以及港澳台地区,30%在国内销售。
SOUTHWORTH PRODUCTS CORP有着130多年研发、制造、销售各类升降设备的历史,在升降设备的研制、开发上积累了丰富的经验并始终处于领先地位,为全球客户提供安全可靠的符合人体工程学的产品以及相应售后及技术服务支持。
Southworth (Shanghai) Lift Table Co.,Ltd., established in April 2005, is the sole exclusively foreign owned enterprise by SOUTHWORTH PRODUCTS CORP in USA. Our company is located in the north of beautiful Hangzhou Bay: Zhelin Development Zone, Fengxian,Shanghai, registered capital of 8 million USD, there have been 130 employees working for Southworth( Shanghai) Lift Table Co.,Ltd., we have the capacity of providing the annual output of 10 million USD. 70% of our products are exported to USA, Australia, Japan,Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, 30% for doemstic market.
SOUTHWORTH PRODUCTS COPR has more than 130 years history in resarching, developing, manufacturing and selling various kinds of lift tables. SOUTHWORTH has accumulated rich experience in lift researching and developing, always keeps ahead of the field and provides safe, reliable and ergonomic products, after-sale and technical services to global customers.
Now the products from Southworth(Shanghai) Lift Table Co.,Ltd. are very popular in the market. Our company has made rapid development. In order to provide our products and services to more customers, we warmly welcome all competent people to join us and will offer wide platform for all staff.