趣加游戏一直致力于给全球用户带来愉悦的游戏体验。时至今日,趣加游戏已经成为全球成长最快的社交游戏公司,每一天全球有超过三百万用户在与朋友、家人享受我们的游戏带来的乐趣,我们为此深深自豪,这也激励着团队不断创造更好的游戏产品。 在我们的初创团队中,有来自硅谷的连续创业者,也有全球知名互联网公司的资深技术高管。我们一直坚信“杰出的团队创造优秀的产品”,人才永远是我们最为看重的财富。如果你对自己的能力也如此自信,那么欢迎加入趣加游戏!这里是你的理想舞台。
We are dedicated to bringing more fun to your online tour.With passion and energy, FunPlus has been one of the fastest-growing gaming companies in the world. Everyday, millions of people around the world play our games with their friends and family. We are deeply proud of this and motivated to create more fun games for everyone. Our founding team consists of serial entrepreneurs and Silicon Valley veterans, and we already have a superb team. We believe only GREAT people make GREAT things. People are always the most valuable asset to us. Sounds exciting? Check out our opening positions right now!
公司名称:趣加游戏 Funplusgame