广州领晟医疗科技有限公司,Link Health Group(以下简称“领晟医药”)成立于2012年,注册资本1063.83万元,国家高新技术企业,坐落于广州市科学城,是一家致力于创新药物研发和国际技术引进的新型医药企业。
通过不断努力,目前领晟医药已完成多层项目储备,覆盖临床前到临床阶段多个新药品种。主要集中在肿瘤,骨科,消化科、炎症以及疫苗等领域。我们的业务包括与跨国医药公司、海外专业医药公司、全球领先研发机构等合作,通过专利药物的授权引进新药项目,自主研发新剂型,合作国际多中心临床试验,通过合资公司,战略联盟等形式进行学术推广以及销售等。 领晟医疗目前在欧美有超过20家合作企业,我们仍然不断在欧美开拓新合作与新业务。
作为一家发展快速的新技术企业,具有开拓精神的团队,优质的人才是我们领晟发展的动力和基石。 我们欢迎有能力有激情,有致从事创新药物开发的您加入。
Link Health is a company located in China focusing on research of innovative medicinal products. Since 2014, Link Health has grown itself into a leading company in China for developing first-in-class new drugs. In the last three years, the company has built a pipeline covering 9 Class 2 New Drugs including both licensed-in and self-developed drug candidates. In which, half have been in clinical stage aboard and half will enter the IND in China before the end of 2017. Link Health has a very dynamic team in rapid growth to support the registration,future plan of FDA file and clinical development in Asia and USA.
For more information, please refer to our website: www.healthinlink.com